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Collection: super hit
Ikki tomonlama itni parvarishlash cho'tkasi tugunlarni va pastki qoplamani osonlik bilan olib tashlaydi.
Regular price From 37 722 UZSRegular priceUnit price / per97 999 UZSSale price From 37 722 UZS -
17.02 sm o'lchamdagi 4 dona oltin aralashtirish idishlari, havo o'tkazmaydigan qopqoq bilan, salatlar, mevalar, sho'rvalar va atıştırmalıklar uchun ideal.
Regular price 131 282 UZSRegular priceUnit price / per400 088 UZSSale price 131 282 UZS -
50ml olmos shaklidagi kristal idishlar turli ruhlar va choy uchun, izolyatsiyalangan, qayta ishlatiladigan, faqat qo'lda yuvish, oltin aksentlar bilan shaffof dizayn, nafis va nozik.
Regular price From 62 765 UZSRegular priceUnit price / per227 508 UZSSale price From 62 765 UZS -
LED chiroq, signal, tebranish, zarba va qayta zaryadlanadigan batareyaga ega bo'lgan itlar uchun masofadan boshqariladigan zarba bilaguzuk, o'rta va katta itlar uchun mos.
Regular price From 204 694 UZSRegular priceUnit price / per652 674 UZSSale price From 204 694 UZS -
XL Cat Litter Box with Splash Protection, Semi-Enclosed & Open Design, Includes Scoop and Deodorant Bag
Regular price From 112 882 UZSRegular priceUnit price / per204 209 UZSSale price From 112 882 UZS -
80ml Avtomatik suv tarqatgich kichik uy hayvonlari uchun - 1 dona to'plam
Regular price From 11 327 UZSRegular priceUnit price / per69 999 UZSSale price From 11 327 UZS -
Tugma bilan sozlanadigan 4/5 qavatli metall saqlash tokchasi, oshxona, yotoqxona yoki kir yuvish xonasi uchun ideal. Mustaqil turuvchi, mustahkam metall konstruktsiya, 4 ta tokchali qo'llab-quvvatlovchi tokcha turi.
Regular price 246 392 UZSRegular priceUnit price / per643 128 UZSSale price 246 392 UZS -
Allsome BG-6369 Bench Vise with Swivel Base and Compound Worktable.
Regular price 711 661 UZSRegular priceUnit price / per2 352 910 UZSSale price 711 661 UZS