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Collection: Oshxona aksessuarlari

Stand mikseri/qahva tayyorlagich uchun polyesterdan yasalgan himoya qopqog'i, suv o'tkazmaydigan va bakteriyalarga qarshi, oziq-ovqat bilan aloqa qilish uchun mo'ljallanmagan.
Regular price 99 979 UZSRegular priceUnit price / per295 360 UZSSale price 99 979 UZSAdd wishlist -
Ko'p funksiyali 2-in-1 tuxum kesgichi va to'g'ralgichi - Qaynatilgan tuxumlar uchun foydalanish oson oshxona asbobi, 7.76*3.46in/19.7*8.8cm
5.0 / 5.0
(3) 3 total reviews
Regular price 48 881 UZSRegular priceUnit price / per142 377 UZSSale price 48 881 UZSAdd wishlist -
Christmas Snowman oven door handle cover to bring holiday cheer to your kitchen. Made of cloth, heat-resistant and festive for the holiday season. Perfect accessory for your microwave oven. Make your kitchen merry and bright with this holiday decor piece.
Regular price 95 577 UZSRegular priceUnit price / per273 598 UZSSale price 95 577 UZSAdd wishlist -
Qayta ishlatiladigan 8 dyuymli silikon havo fritörelari uchun qoplama - yopishqoq emas, tozalash oson, yuqori haroratga chidamli savat mato sog'lom ovqat pishirish uchun
Regular price 52 269 UZSRegular priceUnit price / per92 344 UZSSale price 52 269 UZSAdd wishlist -
Zarif qora moslashuvchan ko'zgu osish to'plami - eshik ustiga o'rnatish uchun, mustahkam temir material, o'rnatish oson, 9.07KG gacha ushlab turadi, ko'pchilik eshiklar bilan mos keladi (4.32cm)
3.67 / 5.0
(3) 3 total reviews
Regular price 43 303 UZSRegular priceUnit price / per93 744 UZSSale price 43 303 UZSAdd wishlist -
These self-stirring White PTFE Magnetic Stir Bars are perfect for automatically mixing liquids in mugs and thermal cups. They are resistant to corrosion and high temperatures, making them ideal for both laboratory and food applications. Use them with a
Regular price From 49 517 UZSRegular priceUnit price / per63 973 UZSSale price From 49 517 UZSAdd wishlist -
Sturdy Stainless Steel Oven & Grill Basket with Easy-to-Hold Dual Handles - Non-Electric, Safe Cooking Tool for Nutritious Meal Preparation, Perfect for Camping & Picnics, Essential Grilling Accessory for Outdoor Cooking
5.0 / 5.0
(3) 3 total reviews
Regular price 86 080 UZSRegular priceUnit price / per104 185 UZSSale price 86 080 UZSAdd wishlist -
Asosiy oshxona asboblari: Sog'lom qovurish uchun kvadrat havo qovurish qog'ozi, oziq-ovqat darajasidagi yopishqoq bo'lmagan qog'oz, qayta ishlatiladigan va tozalash oson
5.0 / 5.0
(3) 3 total reviews
Regular price From 58 802 UZSRegular priceUnit price / per67 189 UZSSale price From 58 802 UZSAdd wishlist