Mahsulot ma'lumotlariga o'tish
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Zarif 400ml kvadrat shisha qahva stakani qopqoq va qalamcha bilan - issiqlikka chidamli, muzli qahva, sut, pivo uchun ideal - shaffof ichimlik idishlari, zarur qahva bar aksessuarlari

Zarif 400ml kvadrat shisha qahva stakani qopqoq va qalamcha bilan - issiqlikka chidamli, muzli qahva, sut, pivo uchun ideal - shaffof ichimlik idishlari, zarur qahva bar aksessuarlari

3 umumiy sharhlar

Doimiy narx 43 373 UZS
Doimiy narx 262 500 UZS Sotuv narxi 43 373 UZS


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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews

This glass cup is perfect for enjoying your favorite drinks. Its square and transparent design gives it a modern and elegant touch. It's heat-resistant, so you can use it for iced coffee, milk, beer, and more. The lid and straw make it very practical to carry.My daughter and I love it! This is the second one I've bought; it's just what we were looking for.


This glass cup is perfect for enjoying your favorite drinks. Its square and transparent design gives it a modern and elegant touch. It's heat-resistant, so you can use it for iced coffee, milk, beer, and more. The lid and straw make it very practical to carry.My daughter and I love it! It's very likely that we'll buy more in the future.

Simoné Solomons

Love it, Love it, beautiful, Love it, Love it, Love it, Love it, Love it, Love it, Love it, Love it, Love it, beautiful

To'liq ma'lumotlarni ko'rish
Material: Shisha
Item ID: 13439373
Eslatmalar: Yengil va ekran sozlamalari farqi tufayli, mahsulotning rangi rasmlardan biroz farq qilishi mumkin. Iltimos, turli qo'lda o'lchovlar tufayli ozgina o'lcham farqiga ruxsat bering.
chic 400ml square glass coffee mug with lid straw heat resistant   iced coffee milk beer transparent drinkware coffee bar accessories details 0
chic 400ml square glass coffee mug with lid straw heat resistant   iced coffee milk beer transparent drinkware coffee bar accessories details 1
chic 400ml square glass coffee mug with lid straw heat resistant   iced coffee milk beer transparent drinkware coffee bar accessories details 2
chic 400ml square glass coffee mug with lid straw heat resistant   iced coffee milk beer transparent drinkware coffee bar accessories details 3
chic 400ml square glass coffee mug with lid straw heat resistant   iced coffee milk beer transparent drinkware coffee bar accessories details 4

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