Mahsulot ma'lumotlariga o'tish
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Noxudli Po'lat Choy Infuzori Choy Filtri - Bo'sh Yaprakli Yashil Choy uchun Nozik Tarmoq - Kofe va Choynik uchun Ideal - Qayta ishlatiladigan va Qulay - Pasxa, Sevgi Kuni va Bahor uchun Mukammal

Noxudli Po'lat Choy Infuzori Choy Filtri - Bo'sh Yaprakli Yashil Choy uchun Nozik Tarmoq - Kofe va Choynik uchun Ideal - Qayta ishlatiladigan va Qulay - Pasxa, Sevgi Kuni va Bahor uchun Mukammal

3 umumiy sharhlar

Doimiy narx 20 641 UZS
Doimiy narx 81 060 UZS Sotuv narxi 20 641 UZS


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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Melisa Koç

I really liked it, the size is perfect and it has a rotary system.


As seen in the picture, I'm happy with what I bought.

Парень Креативный

Good product, I recommend it to lovers of fresh tea

To'liq ma'lumotlarni ko'rish
Material: Metall
Item ID: 14362797
Choy filtrlar, bo'sh choy uchun zanglamaydigan po'latdan yasalgan choy filtrlar, nozik to'rli qayta ishlatiladigan choy barglari infuzori, oziq-ovqat darajasidagi nozik to'rli choy filtri Tavsif: 100% yangi mahsulot va yuqori sifat Noxud qotishmasidan tayyorlangan, zanglamaydigan sirt tozalash oson. Insonlashtirilgan tutqich dizayni, tutqich mahsuloti mustahkam ochilishi mumkin. Ko'p funksiyali va ko'p maqsadli, bubble tea, sho'rva, qozon pastki materiali uchun ishlatilishi mumkin. Choy qoldiqlarini alohida ajratib, keyingi choy qoldiqlari qoldiqlariga ehtiyojni bartaraf eting.
Sog'liq va atrof-muhitni muhofaza qilish, yaxshi muhrlanish ta'siri, choy yoki ziravorlar osonlikcha to'kilmaydi. Texnik xususiyatlar: Material: 304 zanglamas po'lat Og'irlik: 0.04kg Texnik xususiyatlar: to'p Mahsulotdan foydalanish: sho'rva, qozon, choy Paketga kiritilgan: 1*nerjaveyka filtr
stainless steel tea infuser reusable fine mesh strainer with long handle for loose leaf green tea ideal for mugs and teapots easy to   new years gift details 0
stainless steel tea infuser reusable fine mesh strainer with long handle for loose leaf green tea ideal for mugs and teapots easy to   new years gift details 1
stainless steel tea infuser reusable fine mesh strainer with long handle for loose leaf green tea ideal for mugs and teapots easy to   new years gift details 2
stainless steel tea infuser reusable fine mesh strainer with long handle for loose leaf green tea ideal for mugs and teapots easy to   new years gift details 3
stainless steel tea infuser reusable fine mesh strainer with long handle for loose leaf green tea ideal for mugs and teapots easy to   new years gift details 4
stainless steel tea infuser reusable fine mesh strainer with long handle for loose leaf green tea ideal for mugs and teapots easy to   new years gift details 5
stainless steel tea infuser reusable fine mesh strainer with long handle for loose leaf green tea ideal for mugs and teapots easy to   new years gift details 6

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