Mahsulot ma'lumotlariga o'tish
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KISSHOME tomonidan tayyorlangan Qahva Urish Qutisi: ABS plastmassadan yasalgan, sirpanmaydigan asos va silikon urish tayoqchasi bilan jihozlangan jonli espresso qoldiq savati - Qahvaxonangiz uchun zarur barista asbobi

KISSHOME tomonidan tayyorlangan Qahva Urish Qutisi: ABS plastmassadan yasalgan, sirpanmaydigan asos va silikon urish tayoqchasi bilan jihozlangan jonli espresso qoldiq savati - Qahvaxonangiz uchun zarur barista asbobi

3 umumiy sharhlar

Doimiy narx 98 302 UZS
Doimiy narx 175 890 UZS Sotuv narxi 98 302 UZS


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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews

Very practical for use with a coffee machine and the color matches perfectly with the machine.


Good value for money, Love it


Very fast delivery. Great product. Thank you very much.

To'liq ma'lumotlarni ko'rish
Material: Silikon, ABS (akrilonitril Butadien Stiren)
Item ID: 10844485
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