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Yashil barglar bilan bosilgan elastik divan qoplamasi, yashash xonasida sirpanmas himoya va bezak uchun.

Yashil barglar bilan bosilgan elastik divan qoplamasi, yashash xonasida sirpanmas himoya va bezak uchun.

3 umumiy sharhlar

Doimiy narx 159 242 UZS
Doimiy narx 536 765 UZS Sotuv narxi 159 242 UZS


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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Mirta Milicic

The package arrived in 2 weeks. We ordered two pieces of B/ 3seat covers that came clean and in wanted design. The material is elastic and soft and it fits perfectly on our corner sofa.
We can also easily vacuum our dogs hair that sticks to it.
We're pretty satisfied!

Doris Reid

pleased with product, good buy, absolutely beautiful, looks lovely, perfect, Affordable, Great item, excellent. thank you, Great item, excellent. thank you, recommend, brilliant


pleased with the product. it is great giving a new like style to my sofa. i have big pillows as well, so I just bought the matching chaircovers and used them for the pillows. affordable, definitely recommended.

To'liq ma'lumotlarni ko'rish
Amal ko'rsatmasi: Mashinada yuvish, qo'lda yuvish
Xususiyat: Slipcover-grip
Dizayn: O'tkazish
Yopilish turi: Elastik lenta
Uslub: Zamonaviy
Qoplama materiali: 92% polyester, 8% spandeks
Mos keladigan divan turlari: Armchair, Loveseat, 3-o'rindiqli divan, 4-o'rindiqli divan, Sektsiyali divan
Matbaa kvadrat og'irligi: 100-120 g/㎡
Bosma turi: Qoplama
Matоn turi: Sut tolasi matоsi
Hunarmandchilik: Tayoq rang berish
Bezash: Yo'q
Item ID: 34388122
O'zingizning yashash joyingizni ushbu ajoyib Barg Printli Elastik Divan Qoplamasi bilan o'zgartiring. Ushbu sirpanmaydigan cho'ziladigan divan qoplamasi nafaqat mebelingizni himoya qiladi, balki uy dekoringizga uslub qo'shadi. Yashash xonasi uchun mukammal, bu uy yashash xonasi divan himoya qoplamasi har qanday uy egasi uchun o'z joyini yangilashni xohlaydigan zarur narsadir.

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