Simsiz uy eshigi qo'ng'irog'i, ulanish uchun qabul qiluvchi, 304.8m masofa, 110dB gacha sozlanadigan ovoz, 60 melodiya, LED chiroq, Evropa ulagichi, turli joylar uchun ideal.
This Wireless Home Doorbell comes with a Plug-In Receiver and has a range of over 304.8 meters. It features an adjustable volume of up to 110dB, 60 different melodies, LED flashing light, and a European plug. Ideal for use in classrooms, homes, offices, apartments, and as a Wireless Doorbell solution.
Simsiz uy eshigi qo'ng'irog'i, ulanish uchun qabul qiluvchi, 304.8m masofa, 110dB gacha sozlanadigan ovoz, 60 melodiya, LED chiroq, Evropa ulagichi, turli joylar uchun ideal.