Energiya monitoringi, ovozli boshqaruv, masofadan boshqarish, vaqt belgilash, jadval, guruh boshqaruvi va Alexa & Google uchun qo'llab-quvvatlash bilan Wi-Fi aqlli rozetka.
A smart plug with Wi-Fi connectivity that includes energy monitoring, voice control, remote control, timer and scheduling features, and group control capabilities. Compatible with Alexa and Google Assistant.
APP Remote Control: Easily Control Your Home Appliances At Any Time And Any Place. No More Worrying About Forgetting To Turn Off The Appliances When You Are Out.Voice Control: Smart Plugs That Work With Alexa And Google Assitant, You Can Speak With Alexa And OK Google To Achieve Hands-free Control Of Home Electrical Devices.Easy Setup: It Takes Less Than Two Minutes For The Configuration. And The Upgraded Chip Makes It Easy To Keep A Stable Network Connection And Not Easy To Go Offline.Other Features: Diverse Timer Scheduling Functions, Create Scenes, Group Control, And Device Sharing Functions Are Also Configured, Just Choose Us To Start Your Smart Home Tour.
Energiya monitoringi, ovozli boshqaruv, masofadan boshqarish, vaqt belgilash, jadval, guruh boshqaruvi va Alexa & Google uchun qo'llab-quvvatlash bilan Wi-Fi aqlli rozetka.