VGEFC NutriBullet blender aksessuarlari o'lchov belgilari bilan shaffof plastik qopqoq, 600W va 900W modellari uchun suyuqlik o'tkazmaydigan burama qopqoq, pichoq to'plami va quyidagilar bilan mos keladi.
VGEFC NutriBullet Blender Accessories includes clear plastic cup lids with measurement markings in multiple sizes, a leakproof flip-top lid for 600W & 900W models, and a blade assembly. These accessories are compatible with 18/24/32oz tumblers and are easy to clean and durable as replacement parts.
VGEFC NutriBullet blender aksessuarlari o'lchov belgilari bilan shaffof plastik qopqoq, 600W va 900W modellari uchun suyuqlik o'tkazmaydigan burama qopqoq, pichoq to'plami va quyidagilar bilan mos keladi.