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This security camera features an E27 connector and provides 1080P HD video quality with a 355° panoramic view. It also includes two-way audio, smart motion detection, and can be used indoors or outdoors. Compatible with smartphones, it operates on a

This security camera features an E27 connector and provides 1080P HD video quality with a 355° panoramic view. It also includes two-way audio, smart motion detection, and can be used indoors or outdoors. Compatible with smartphones, it operates on a

Doimiy narx 379 577 UZS
Doimiy narx 982 639 UZS Sotuv narxi 379 577 UZS


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To'liq ma'lumotlarni ko'rish
Mos keluvchi qurilma: Smartfon
Maxsus xususiyatlar: Tung'i ko'rish
Tegishli yosh guruhi: 14+
Quvvat rejimi: Xonadagi elektr/katta simlar
Ishlash kuchlanishi: 110V (kiritilgan) - 240V (kiritilgan)
Batareya xususiyatlari: Batareyasiz
Simli mulk: Wi-Fi funksiyasi bilan
Ekran rezolyutsiyasi: 1080p
Ekran o'lchami: Qo'llanilmaydi
Ekran nisbati (%): Mavjud emas
Energiya samaradorligi reytingi: Energiya samaradorligi reytingi yo'q
Shakl: Boshqa shakllar
Asosiy material: ABS
Item ID: 77369619
Security Camera with E27 Connector, 1080P HD Video, 355° Panoramic View, Two-Way Audio, Smart Motion Detection, Indoor/Outdoor Use, Compatible with Smartphones, 110V-240V Power Supply, Wi-Fi Enabled, No Battery Required details 0
Security Camera with E27 Connector, 1080P HD Video, 355° Panoramic View, Two-Way Audio, Smart Motion Detection, Indoor/Outdoor Use, Compatible with Smartphones, 110V-240V Power Supply, Wi-Fi Enabled, No Battery Required details 1
Security Camera with E27 Connector, 1080P HD Video, 355° Panoramic View, Two-Way Audio, Smart Motion Detection, Indoor/Outdoor Use, Compatible with Smartphones, 110V-240V Power Supply, Wi-Fi Enabled, No Battery Required details 2
Security Camera with E27 Connector, 1080P HD Video, 355° Panoramic View, Two-Way Audio, Smart Motion Detection, Indoor/Outdoor Use, Compatible with Smartphones, 110V-240V Power Supply, Wi-Fi Enabled, No Battery Required details 3
Security Camera with E27 Connector, 1080P HD Video, 355° Panoramic View, Two-Way Audio, Smart Motion Detection, Indoor/Outdoor Use, Compatible with Smartphones, 110V-240V Power Supply, Wi-Fi Enabled, No Battery Required details 4
Security Camera with E27 Connector, 1080P HD Video, 355° Panoramic View, Two-Way Audio, Smart Motion Detection, Indoor/Outdoor Use, Compatible with Smartphones, 110V-240V Power Supply, Wi-Fi Enabled, No Battery Required details 5

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