Mahsulot ma'lumotlariga o'tish
1 ning 9

"Thermomix SPAETZLE tayyorlash uchun qo'shimcha to'plami katta teshikli qozon qopqog'i, xamir tarqatuvchi va TM6 TM5 uchun oziq-ovqat darajasidagi plastik oshxona aralashtirgich aksessuarini o'z ichiga oladi. Ofisda foydalanish uchun mukammal."

"Thermomix SPAETZLE tayyorlash uchun qo'shimcha to'plami katta teshikli qozon qopqog'i, xamir tarqatuvchi va TM6 TM5 uchun oziq-ovqat darajasidagi plastik oshxona aralashtirgich aksessuarini o'z ichiga oladi. Ofisda foydalanish uchun mukammal."

4 umumiy sharhlar

Doimiy narx 201 175 UZS
Doimiy narx 453 180 UZS Sotuv narxi 201 175 UZS


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Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews

I was very curious about this. It fits perfectly on the tm6. I've tried the larger lid so far, and it's great that I can see inside and add ingredients while watching it mix, and adjust the speed as needed. Awesome 👍


Received a very good quality lid to use on the Thermomix TM5 and TM6 bowl delivered with a round plastic form with different holes to make Alsatian spaetzles 👌

Sandra Ackermann

Fits perfectly and very practical


Once again one of the ingenious accessory parts for TM that you can use super for little money. Fits perfectly and the TM also closes reliably. I love all the accessories for the TM, they are of good quality and fully fulfill their function. Unconditionally recommended.

To'liq ma'lumotlarni ko'rish
Tavsiya etilgan senariy: Ofis
Item ID: 64484898
Ushbu un va boshqa ingredientlarni osonlik bilan elash imkonini beruvchi xamir elash uchun mo'ljallangan elaklar va katta qopqoq qo'shimchalari to'plami sizning oshxona mikserlaringiz uchun mo'ljallangan. Oshpazlik samaradorligingizni oshiring va nozik tuzilishga erishing. Ushbu to'plam sizning oshxona mikserlaringiz uchun qulay va oson foydalanish uchun ishlab chiqilgan. Mustahkam plastik material uzoq muddatli ishlashni ta'minlaydi.
Ovqat tayyorlashning nozik jihatlariga e'tibor beradigan oshpazlar uchun ideal bo'lgan ushbu xamir elaklari va katta qopqoq aksessuarlar to'plami mazali shirinliklar tayyorlashda muhimdir. Uy oshxonalariga juda mos keladi, bu tortlar, nonlar va boshqa yoqimli taomlarni pishirishda yordam beradi, sizning ovqat tayyorlash jarayoningizning samaradorligi va sifatini oshiradi.
Ushbu xamir elaklari va katta qopqoq aksessuarlar to'plami professional pishiruvchilar va ishlab chiqarish jarayonida samarali xamir elashni talab qiladigan ishlab chiqarish ob'ektlari uchun juda mos keladi.
1pc   spaetzle maker attachment set with large hole pot cover and batter dispenser for tm6 tm5 food grade plastic kitchen mixer accessory ideal for office use details 1
1pc   spaetzle maker attachment set with large hole pot cover and batter dispenser for tm6 tm5 food grade plastic kitchen mixer accessory ideal for office use details 4
1pc   spaetzle maker attachment set with large hole pot cover and batter dispenser for tm6 tm5 food grade plastic kitchen mixer accessory ideal for office use details 5
1pc   spaetzle maker attachment set with large hole pot cover and batter dispenser for tm6 tm5 food grade plastic kitchen mixer accessory ideal for office use details 6

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