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The SEA BEAR Soft & Warm Fleece Throw Blanket features a charming Meteor Pattern, ideal for snuggling up on the couch, in the office, bed, or while camping and traveling. This all-season hypoallergenic gift blanket is multifunctional, perfect for use as

The SEA BEAR Soft & Warm Fleece Throw Blanket features a charming Meteor Pattern, ideal for snuggling up on the couch, in the office, bed, or while camping and traveling. This all-season hypoallergenic gift blanket is multifunctional, perfect for use as

4 total reviews

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews

A very cool blanket! Soft, large, medium thickness, very pleasant. The color is as in the photo. Thank you. It came very quickly


beautiful blanket as in the photo, it's for the mid-season but I thought it would be heavier, but it's beautiful and very soft, I'll put it on the bed


Excellent, soft, pleasant to the body.
This is not the first time I have ordered it.
For Christmas, a great gift for colleagues.
The price and quality are worth it.


perfect cosy, lovely looking throw. ,Exactly as described, fantastic quality . very happy with purchase and would recommend

Regular price 100 084 UZS
Regular price 288 174 UZS Sale price 100 084 UZS


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Amal ko'rsatmasi: Mashinada yuvish
Har mavsum: Har Mavsum
Maxsus xususiyatlar: Boshqa maxsus funksiyalar
Mavzu: Fantaziya
Shablon: Boshqa shablonlar
Yostiq xususiyatlari: Gippoallergen
Uslub: Zamonaviy
Tavsiya etilgan foydalanish: Ko'p maqsadli
Qoplama materiali: 100% polyester
To'qish usuli: To'qilgan
Bosma turi: Faol
Matоn turi: Flanel
Hunarmandchilik: Boshqa
Matоn kvadrat og'irligi: 200-250 g/㎡
Bezash: Yo'q
Rang: Ko'k
Item ID: 39583132
Hurmatli xaridor, SEA BEAR do'koniga g'amxo'rlik qilganingiz uchun katta rahmat! Bu bir turdagi ko'rpa, yotoq ko'rpasi, divan, ofis, devor bezaklari, shal ko'rpa uchun ishlatiladi.... Rasmning individual ta'siri sababli yostiq qoplari kiritilmagan.. Xarid qilayotganda o'lchamni inobatga oling: 100 * 150 sm kichik o'lcham. 150 * 200 sm M o'lcham. 180 * 200 sm va 200 * 230 sm katta o'lchamlar!. Xarid qilayotganda o'lcham jadvalini tekshiring va ehtiyojga qarab buyurtma bering!. * Sizga baxtli xarid qilishni tilaymiz! *!
  soft warm fleece throw blanket with meteor   for couch office bed camping travel   hypoallergenic gift blanket chair multifunctional details 4
  soft warm fleece throw blanket with meteor   for couch office bed camping travel   hypoallergenic gift blanket chair multifunctional details 7

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