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- Set of 4 Silicone Layered Cake Molds in Round Shape (15.24cm/20.32cm), Perfect for Toast Bread, Cakes, and Pastries. Non-Stick and Easy to Use Baking Tools for Your Kitchen. Great Addition to Your Kitchen Gadgets and Accessories Collection.
Element shakli: Dumaloq
Material: Yopishqoq emas
Xususiyat: Qo'lda
Tadbir: Tug'ilgan kun
Item ID: 09525687
Tur: Tort qolipi
Material: Silikon
O'lcham: Rasmda ko'rsatilgandek
Harorat oralig'i: -40 dan +230 daraja Selsiy
Miqdor: 4 dona
1. Hidi yo'q, toksik emas, changga qarshi, mustahkam, suv o'tkazmaydigan, tozalash oson.
2. Oziq-ovqat darajasidagi silikon materialdan tayyorlangan. Xavfsizlik.
3. U yillar davomida shaklini saqlaydi. Uni olov, gaz pechidan va kesgichdan uzoq tuting.
4. Tort tayyorlash uchun mukammal.

Shipping Details
Estimated ship dimensions: 11.5 inches length x 9.0 inches width x 2.0 inches height
Estimated ship weight: 2.48 pounds
We regret that this item cannot be shipped to PO Boxes.
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