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Set of 4 Silicone Layered Cake Molds in Round Shape (15.24cm/20.32cm), Perfect for Toast Bread, Cakes, and Pastries. Non-Stick and Easy to Use Baking Tools for Your Kitchen. Great Addition to Your Kitchen Gadgets and Accessories Collection.

Set of 4 Silicone Layered Cake Molds in Round Shape (15.24cm/20.32cm), Perfect for Toast Bread, Cakes, and Pastries. Non-Stick and Easy to Use Baking Tools for Your Kitchen. Great Addition to Your Kitchen Gadgets and Accessories Collection.

3 total reviews

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews

Workmanship good, pleasant silicone, not so wobbly, but also not hard plastic as I came across with the spoon rest, the baking test is still to come, I expect a great result

Sarah Stuart

absolute bargain. 4 of these cheaper than cost of 1 in a shop. I cook everything in these. I don't bake. ,Highly Recommend,Good Quality,Affordable,Good Color. hopefully when these ones get ronend of their life, they quill still have them for sale here

Ruchi Singh

They are very affordable and adorable. Nice colour. Going to try them real soon. Looks sturdy enough. Happy with the purchase

Regular price 142 103 UZS
Regular price 296 478 UZS Sale price 142 103 UZS


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Element shakli: Dumaloq
Material: Yopishqoq emas
Xususiyat: Qo'lda
Tadbir: Tug'ilgan kun
Item ID: 09525687
Xususiyat Tur: Tort qolipi Material: Silikon O'lcham: Rasmda ko'rsatilgandek Harorat oralig'i: -40 dan +230 daraja Selsiy Miqdor: 4 dona Tavsif 1. Hidi yo'q, toksik emas, changga qarshi, mustahkam, suv o'tkazmaydigan, tozalash oson. 2. Oziq-ovqat darajasidagi silikon materialdan tayyorlangan. Xavfsizlik. 3. U yillar davomida shaklini saqlaydi. Uni olov, gaz pechidan va kesgichdan uzoq tuting. 4. Tort tayyorlash uchun mukammal.
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4pcs silicone layered cake molds 6 8 round shape silicone bread   bread molds cake tray moulds non stick baking tools kitchen gadgets kitchen accessories home kitchen items details 1

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