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4 ta silikon pishirish qoliplari to'plami - non-stick, egiluvchan non qoliplari Lotus, Spiral, O'rash va Klassik Fluted dizaynlarida tortlar, nonlar, go'shtli non, keks, va boshqalar uchun. Bayram partiyalari va sovg'a berish uchun ideal.

4 ta silikon pishirish qoliplari to'plami - non-stick, egiluvchan non qoliplari Lotus, Spiral, O'rash va Klassik Fluted dizaynlarida tortlar, nonlar, go'shtli non, keks, va boshqalar uchun. Bayram partiyalari va sovg'a berish uchun ideal.

3 total reviews

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews

I love these 4 silicone baking fornes! They are perfectly crafted and thick, therefore very robust and not as flabby as some other silicone baking pans.
I am also grateful for the firm handles.


Very great baking pans. Not everyone has this look. Perfect for many baking ideas. Clear purchase recommendation. Finally, the cake comes out of the pan slightly after baking. Simple and flexible.


It was a set of mussels, and some very cute ones. You have 3 of each color with the same shape (3 blue 3 green, 3 pink, 3 purple). The large mussels have a capacity of 0.95liters, this represents about 6 to 8 parts depending on the greed 😄, these mussels are identical to the photo. and dishwasher safe the grown-ups and it's written on it.

Regular price 174 933 UZS
Regular price 576 498 UZS Sale price 174 933 UZS


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Material: Silikon
Bayramlar: Rojdestvo, Xellouin, Pasxa, Hanuka, Shukrona kuni
Item ID: 01426292
4pcs silicone baking mold set non stick flexible loaf pans with lotus spiral braided classic fluted designs for cakes breads meatloaf   more   holiday parties gifts details 0
Sevimli taomlaringizni DIY qilish uchun mo'ljallangan silikon qoliplar Oziq-ovqat darajasidagi silikon materialdan tayyorlangan silikon qoliplarimiz xavfsiz, ammo egiluvchan va yopishmaydigan qilib ishlab chiqilgan, bu esa sizga sevimli taomlaringizni o'zingiz tayyorlashni osonlashtiradi. Ularning noyob shakllari sizning retseptlaringizni qo'shimcha darajada klassik va nozik ko'rinishga keltiradi. Sizning ziyofatlaringizda xizmat qilish yoki oila va do'stlaringizga sovg'a sifatida berish uchun mukammal.
4pcs silicone baking mold set non stick flexible loaf pans with lotus spiral braided classic fluted designs for cakes breads meatloaf   more   holiday parties gifts details 1
4pcs silicone baking mold set non stick flexible loaf pans with lotus spiral braided classic fluted designs for cakes breads meatloaf   more   holiday parties gifts details 2
4pcs silicone baking mold set non stick flexible loaf pans with lotus spiral braided classic fluted designs for cakes breads meatloaf   more   holiday parties gifts details 3
4pcs silicone baking mold set non stick flexible loaf pans with lotus spiral braided classic fluted designs for cakes breads meatloaf   more   holiday parties gifts details 4
O'z qo'lingiz bilan ishlash vaqtingizdan bahramand bo'ling Ushbu silikon qolip pound keki, shokoladli keki, pishloq keki, jello retseptlari va boshqalar uchun mukammaldir.
4pcs silicone baking mold set non stick flexible loaf pans with lotus spiral braided classic fluted designs for cakes breads meatloaf   more   holiday parties gifts details 5
4pcs silicone baking mold set non stick flexible loaf pans with lotus spiral braided classic fluted designs for cakes breads meatloaf   more   holiday parties gifts details 6

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