Introducing the Alasou 1Pack Bread Machine Cover, a durable protective cover designed to shield your bread machine from dust. Crafted with heavy-duty, dust-resistant material, this cover is suitable for a variety of bread machine models. Perfect for use
Oziq-ovqat bilan aloqa uchun ishlatilishi mumkin: Yo'q
Item ID: 61586911
Ko'p tost mashinalari uchun mos: Tost qopqog'i ikkita o'lchamda mavjud bo'lib, standart o'lcham sizning tost uskunangizga mos keladi va oshxonada juda ko'p joy egallamaydi. Eslatma: Agar o'lcham noto'g'ri bo'lsa, iltimos, tost mashinangizni oldindan o'lchang. Yuqori sifatli materiallar: O'zlashtirilgan materiallardan tayyorlangan, juda xavfsiz va ekologik toza bo'lib, sizga ishonchli foydalanuvchi tajribasini taqdim etadi. Mukammal himoya: Bizning tost qopqog'imiz oshxonangizdagi tost mashinasini chang va iflosliklardan mukammal himoya qiladi, uy hayvonlaringizning tost mashinasiga sakrab tushishi yoki tirnashidan saqlaydi.
Introducing the Alasou 1Pack Bread Machine Cover, a durable protective cover designed to shield your bread machine from dust. Crafted with heavy-duty, dust-resistant material, this cover is suitable for a variety of bread machine models. Perfect for use