Ushbu nafis ayollar uzuk 925 gippoallergik materialdan tayyorlangan bo'lib, hashamat va modani aks ettiruvchi minimalist dizaynga ega. Bu 14-fevral yoki Onalar kuni uchun mukammal sovg'a bo'lib, go'zal antioksidant sovg'a qutisida keladi, og'irligi
80 460 som
434 454 som
Ushbu nafis ayollar to'y va niqoh uzuklari 925 sterling kumushda o'rnatilgan ajoyib moissanite toshiga ega. Ikki boshli burama quloq dizayni ushbu hashamatli buyumga o'ziga xos bir tuyg'u qo'shadi. Uzukning umumiy kumush og'irligi 7.74g va bezatilgan.
540 215 som–545 431 som
This Elephant Welcome Mat features a non-slip backing and is durable and stain-resistant, making it perfect for use in the living room, bedroom, laundry room, entryway, kitchen, or any indoor space. Its half-circle shape, machine-made construction, and
54 368 som–248 920 som
This Employee Appreciation Keychain Gift Set includes 36 pieces, divided into 12 sets. Each set comes with Thank You Cards and Organza Bags, making it the perfect gift for coworkers, nurses, teachers, or as a graduation or office appreciation gift.
90 984 som
187 192 som
This enamel cast iron loaf pan is ideal for baking breads up to 27.94 cm, making it perfect for sourdough and Dutch bread recipes. Crafted from durable cast iron material, this pan is built to last. Perfect for all your baking needs!
1 372 568 som–1 750 530 som
Ushbu emal qozon retro va yangi uslubga ega bo'lib, choy, meva choyi, qahva yoki sut tayyorlash uchun mukammaldir. U har qanday pechda ishlatish uchun mos keladi va yaxshi salomatlikni rag'batlantiradi.
564 793 som
1 226 952 som
Ushbu emal qoplangan quyma temir Golland qozoni ikki tutqich bilan jihozlangan bo'lib, uni plita, pech va grilda ishlatish uchun mukammal qiladi. Uning o'lchamlari 18.2 sm x 14 sm x 6.4 sm va og'irligi 1.7 kg.
374 383 som–417 928 som
This espresso distribution tool comes with a metal stand and is made of stainless steel with a 0.4mm 8-pin coffee stirring needle. It has an adjustable range and is constructed from aluminum iron. It is safe for food contact, requires no electricity, and
166 544 som
274 606 som
This essential item for home kitchens is the 1-piece Rust-Resistant Cast Iron Skillet with Wooden Handle in Black. With a round bottom design, this wok is perfect for gas stoves and is available in multiple sizes. Made of stainless steel and free of any
242 777 som–257 926 som
This essential kitchen gadget is perfect for quick meals in apartments and dorms. The heat-resistant Microwave Pasta Cooker with Strainer is made of easy-clean plastic and is designed for hassle-free noodle steaming.
89 592 som
312 910 som
Ushbu muhim oshxona asbobi - ichki sabun tarqatuvchiga ega bo'lgan mustahkam va ko'p maqsadli tozalash cho'tkasi. Qozonlar, skovorodkalar va idishlar uchun mukammal, ushbu qayta ishlatiladigan tozalovchi vosita har qanday uy uchun zarurdir.
49 564 som–96 880 som
Ushbu muhim to'plam 4 ta devorga o'rnatiladigan hojatxona cho'tkalarini o'z ichiga oladi, yumshoq silikon cho'tka boshiga, uzun tutqichga va barcha uy tozalash ehtiyojlaringiz uchun qo'shimcha kichik cho'tkalarga ega. RV hojatxonalar uchun mukammal!
85 851 som
145 742 som
This European style wave curtain features a beautiful black lace valance with a flower pattern. The short curtain is designed with a rod pocket, making it suitable for windows and doors. Add a touch of elegance to your living room with this decorative
198 147 som–279 811 som
This exquisite 2-piece jewelry set exudes classic European sophistication. Featuring a luxurious golden metal flower pendant on a delicate snake chain necklace, paired with matching earrings, these elegant accessories are ideal for women seeking a touch
49 946 som
229 650 som
This exquisite 5-piece jewelry set boasts a luxurious vintage Middle Eastern style, complete with vibrant rhinestone drop pendants. Including a necklace, earrings, ring, and bracelet all crafted from Zinc Alloy, this set is the perfect accessory for
99 849 som
433 293 som
Ushbu ajoyib 5.09/10.09ct Moissanite Nikoh Uzuki 925 Kumushda ajoyib dizaynga ega bo'lib, GRA Sertifikatiga ega. Bu uzuk 14-fevral, tug'ilgan kunlar yoki yubileylar uchun ideal bo'lib, o'sha maxsus inson uchun mukammal sovg'a hisoblanadi.
921 361 som–1 900 609 som
Ushbu nafis 925 Sterling Silver yurak shaklidagi Moissanite Princess stacking uzuk har qanday maxsus tadbir uchun ajoyib tanlovdir. Gippoallergen 2ct yoki 1ct tosh bilan, u nikoh takliflari, to'y yilliklari yoki 14-fevral sovg'asi sifatida mukammaldir.
274 159 som–358 594 som
Ushbu nafis 925 Sterling Silver Ochiq Halqa jozibador Folga Tekstura dizayniga ega bo'lib, u ham moslashuvchan, ham nafisdir. Vintage hashamati bilan, u tantanali tadbirlar, masalan, banketlar uchun mukammal va ideal sovg'a hisoblanadi. Bu noyob.
166 080 som
215 701 som
This exquisite Black Onyx and Freshwater Pearl Necklace is lovingly handcrafted and is the ideal gift for anyone. Whether it's for her or him, this timeless piece is perfect for daily wear or special occasions like weddings. The Black Onyx gemstone is
1 484 431 som–1 754 345 som
Ushbu ajoyib bilaguzuk vintage uslubidagi oltin qoplamali misdan tayyorlangan bo'lib, jozibali tangalar charmiga ega. Har kuni kiyish uchun yoki maxsus ayolga o'ylangan sovg'a sifatida ideal.
56 454 som
291 256 som
This exquisite Bridal Set features a Royal Crown Design made of high-quality 925 Sterling Silver. The stunning 0.5 Carat Round Moissanite Engagement and Wedding Ring Set is secured in a 4-Prong Setting. Perfect for those with sensitive skin, it is
211 611 som
969 801 som
This exquisite collection features luxurious women's jewelry adorned with shimmering water diamonds, including a stunning necklace, elegant earrings, and a versatile stretch bracelet. Perfect for adding a touch of glamour to any party or dance.
41 570 som
216 888 som
Ushbu ajoyib Kuba hip-hop moda marjonida 4.0mm aralash qator Moissanite toshlari 925 sterling kumushga o'rnatilgan. 18, 20, 22 va 24 dyuym uzunliklarda mavjud bo'lib, mos ravishda 106, 118, 129 va 142 dona mavjud. Taxminan 38.5 gramm og'irlikda.
3 500 003 som–4 088 700 som
This exquisite French-inspired 3-piece Moissanite ring set features 18K gold-plated 925 sterling silver with options of 2, 5, or 10 carats. Perfect for women, this stunning set is perfect for celebrating Valentine's Day, weddings, anniversaries, and any
1 642 592 som
7 857 191 som
Mening xohishlarim
Your Cart
0 som
Ushbu nafis ayollar uzuk 925 gippoallergik materialdan tayyorlangan bo'lib, hashamat va modani aks ettiruvchi minimalist dizaynga ega. Bu 14-fevral yoki Onalar kuni uchun mukammal sovg'a bo'lib, go'zal antioksidant sovg'a qutisida keladi, og'irligi
80 460 som
434 454 som
Ushbu nafis ayollar to'y va niqoh uzuklari 925 sterling kumushda o'rnatilgan ajoyib moissanite toshiga ega. Ikki boshli burama quloq dizayni ushbu hashamatli buyumga o'ziga xos bir tuyg'u qo'shadi. Uzukning umumiy kumush og'irligi 7.74g va bezatilgan.
540 215 som–545 431 som
This Elephant Welcome Mat features a non-slip backing and is durable and stain-resistant, making it perfect for use in the living room, bedroom, laundry room, entryway, kitchen, or any indoor space. Its half-circle shape, machine-made construction, and
54 368 som–248 920 som
This Employee Appreciation Keychain Gift Set includes 36 pieces, divided into 12 sets. Each set comes with Thank You Cards and Organza Bags, making it the perfect gift for coworkers, nurses, teachers, or as a graduation or office appreciation gift.
90 984 som
187 192 som
This enamel cast iron loaf pan is ideal for baking breads up to 27.94 cm, making it perfect for sourdough and Dutch bread recipes. Crafted from durable cast iron material, this pan is built to last. Perfect for all your baking needs!
1 372 568 som–1 750 530 som
Ushbu emal qozon retro va yangi uslubga ega bo'lib, choy, meva choyi, qahva yoki sut tayyorlash uchun mukammaldir. U har qanday pechda ishlatish uchun mos keladi va yaxshi salomatlikni rag'batlantiradi.
564 793 som
1 226 952 som
Ushbu emal qoplangan quyma temir Golland qozoni ikki tutqich bilan jihozlangan bo'lib, uni plita, pech va grilda ishlatish uchun mukammal qiladi. Uning o'lchamlari 18.2 sm x 14 sm x 6.4 sm va og'irligi 1.7 kg.
374 383 som–417 928 som
This espresso distribution tool comes with a metal stand and is made of stainless steel with a 0.4mm 8-pin coffee stirring needle. It has an adjustable range and is constructed from aluminum iron. It is safe for food contact, requires no electricity, and
166 544 som
274 606 som
This essential item for home kitchens is the 1-piece Rust-Resistant Cast Iron Skillet with Wooden Handle in Black. With a round bottom design, this wok is perfect for gas stoves and is available in multiple sizes. Made of stainless steel and free of any
242 777 som–257 926 som
This essential kitchen gadget is perfect for quick meals in apartments and dorms. The heat-resistant Microwave Pasta Cooker with Strainer is made of easy-clean plastic and is designed for hassle-free noodle steaming.
89 592 som
312 910 som
Ushbu muhim oshxona asbobi - ichki sabun tarqatuvchiga ega bo'lgan mustahkam va ko'p maqsadli tozalash cho'tkasi. Qozonlar, skovorodkalar va idishlar uchun mukammal, ushbu qayta ishlatiladigan tozalovchi vosita har qanday uy uchun zarurdir.
49 564 som–96 880 som
Ushbu muhim to'plam 4 ta devorga o'rnatiladigan hojatxona cho'tkalarini o'z ichiga oladi, yumshoq silikon cho'tka boshiga, uzun tutqichga va barcha uy tozalash ehtiyojlaringiz uchun qo'shimcha kichik cho'tkalarga ega. RV hojatxonalar uchun mukammal!
85 851 som
145 742 som
This European style wave curtain features a beautiful black lace valance with a flower pattern. The short curtain is designed with a rod pocket, making it suitable for windows and doors. Add a touch of elegance to your living room with this decorative
198 147 som–279 811 som
This exquisite 2-piece jewelry set exudes classic European sophistication. Featuring a luxurious golden metal flower pendant on a delicate snake chain necklace, paired with matching earrings, these elegant accessories are ideal for women seeking a touch
49 946 som
229 650 som
This exquisite 5-piece jewelry set boasts a luxurious vintage Middle Eastern style, complete with vibrant rhinestone drop pendants. Including a necklace, earrings, ring, and bracelet all crafted from Zinc Alloy, this set is the perfect accessory for
99 849 som
433 293 som
Ushbu ajoyib 5.09/10.09ct Moissanite Nikoh Uzuki 925 Kumushda ajoyib dizaynga ega bo'lib, GRA Sertifikatiga ega. Bu uzuk 14-fevral, tug'ilgan kunlar yoki yubileylar uchun ideal bo'lib, o'sha maxsus inson uchun mukammal sovg'a hisoblanadi.
921 361 som–1 900 609 som
Ushbu nafis 925 Sterling Silver yurak shaklidagi Moissanite Princess stacking uzuk har qanday maxsus tadbir uchun ajoyib tanlovdir. Gippoallergen 2ct yoki 1ct tosh bilan, u nikoh takliflari, to'y yilliklari yoki 14-fevral sovg'asi sifatida mukammaldir.
274 159 som–358 594 som
Ushbu nafis 925 Sterling Silver Ochiq Halqa jozibador Folga Tekstura dizayniga ega bo'lib, u ham moslashuvchan, ham nafisdir. Vintage hashamati bilan, u tantanali tadbirlar, masalan, banketlar uchun mukammal va ideal sovg'a hisoblanadi. Bu noyob.
166 080 som
215 701 som
This exquisite Black Onyx and Freshwater Pearl Necklace is lovingly handcrafted and is the ideal gift for anyone. Whether it's for her or him, this timeless piece is perfect for daily wear or special occasions like weddings. The Black Onyx gemstone is
1 484 431 som–1 754 345 som
Ushbu ajoyib bilaguzuk vintage uslubidagi oltin qoplamali misdan tayyorlangan bo'lib, jozibali tangalar charmiga ega. Har kuni kiyish uchun yoki maxsus ayolga o'ylangan sovg'a sifatida ideal.
56 454 som
291 256 som
This exquisite Bridal Set features a Royal Crown Design made of high-quality 925 Sterling Silver. The stunning 0.5 Carat Round Moissanite Engagement and Wedding Ring Set is secured in a 4-Prong Setting. Perfect for those with sensitive skin, it is
211 611 som
969 801 som
This exquisite collection features luxurious women's jewelry adorned with shimmering water diamonds, including a stunning necklace, elegant earrings, and a versatile stretch bracelet. Perfect for adding a touch of glamour to any party or dance.
41 570 som
216 888 som
Ushbu ajoyib Kuba hip-hop moda marjonida 4.0mm aralash qator Moissanite toshlari 925 sterling kumushga o'rnatilgan. 18, 20, 22 va 24 dyuym uzunliklarda mavjud bo'lib, mos ravishda 106, 118, 129 va 142 dona mavjud. Taxminan 38.5 gramm og'irlikda.
3 500 003 som–4 088 700 som
This exquisite French-inspired 3-piece Moissanite ring set features 18K gold-plated 925 sterling silver with options of 2, 5, or 10 carats. Perfect for women, this stunning set is perfect for celebrating Valentine's Day, weddings, anniversaries, and any
1 642 592 som
7 857 191 som
80773 80862 mahsulotdan
Tartiblash bo'yicha:
Taqdim etilgan
Eng ko'p sotiladigan
Alifbo bo'yicha, A-Z
Alifbo bo'yicha, Z-A
Narx, pastdan yuqoriga
Narx, yuqoridan pastga
Sana, eskiyidan yangisiga
Sana, yangi dan eski
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Ushbu nafis ayollar uzuk 925 gippoallergik materialdan tayyorlangan bo'lib, hashamat va modani aks ettiruvchi minimalist dizaynga ega. Bu 14-fevral yoki Onalar kuni uchun mukammal sovg'a bo'lib, go'zal antioksidant sovg'a qutisida keladi, og'irligi
80 460 som
434 454 som
Ushbu nafis ayollar uzuk 925 gippoallergik materialdan tayyorlangan bo'lib, hashamat va modani aks ettiruvchi minimalist dizaynga ega. Bu 14-fevral yoki Onalar kuni uchun mukammal sovg'a bo'lib, go'zal antioksidant sovg'a qutisida keladi, og'irligi
80 460 som
434 454 som
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Ushbu nafis ayollar to'y va niqoh uzuklari 925 sterling kumushda o'rnatilgan ajoyib moissanite toshiga ega. Ikki boshli burama quloq dizayni ushbu hashamatli buyumga o'ziga xos bir tuyg'u qo'shadi. Uzukning umumiy kumush og'irligi 7.74g va bezatilgan.
540 215 som – 545 431 som
Ushbu nafis ayollar to'y va niqoh uzuklari 925 sterling kumushda o'rnatilgan ajoyib moissanite toshiga ega. Ikki boshli burama quloq dizayni ushbu hashamatli buyumga o'ziga xos bir tuyg'u qo'shadi. Uzukning umumiy kumush og'irligi 7.74g va bezatilgan.
545 431 som
2 599 164 som
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
This Elephant Welcome Mat features a non-slip backing and is durable and stain-resistant, making it perfect for use in the living room, bedroom, laundry room, entryway, kitchen, or any indoor space. Its half-circle shape, machine-made construction, and
3 reviews
54 368 som – 248 920 som
This Elephant Welcome Mat features a non-slip backing and is durable and stain-resistant, making it perfect for use in the living room, bedroom, laundry room, entryway, kitchen, or any indoor space. Its half-circle shape, machine-made construction, and
3 reviews
70 279 som
131 180 som
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
This Employee Appreciation Keychain Gift Set includes 36 pieces, divided into 12 sets. Each set comes with Thank You Cards and Organza Bags, making it the perfect gift for coworkers, nurses, teachers, or as a graduation or office appreciation gift.
90 984 som
187 192 som
This Employee Appreciation Keychain Gift Set includes 36 pieces, divided into 12 sets. Each set comes with Thank You Cards and Organza Bags, making it the perfect gift for coworkers, nurses, teachers, or as a graduation or office appreciation gift.
90 984 som
187 192 som
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
This enamel cast iron loaf pan is ideal for baking breads up to 27.94 cm, making it perfect for sourdough and Dutch bread recipes. Crafted from durable cast iron material, this pan is built to last. Perfect for all your baking needs!
1 372 568 som – 1 750 530 som
This enamel cast iron loaf pan is ideal for baking breads up to 27.94 cm, making it perfect for sourdough and Dutch bread recipes. Crafted from durable cast iron material, this pan is built to last. Perfect for all your baking needs!
1 372 568 som
4 912 752 som
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Ushbu emal qozon retro va yangi uslubga ega bo'lib, choy, meva choyi, qahva yoki sut tayyorlash uchun mukammaldir. U har qanday pechda ishlatish uchun mos keladi va yaxshi salomatlikni rag'batlantiradi.
1 review
564 793 som
1 226 952 som
Ushbu emal qozon retro va yangi uslubga ega bo'lib, choy, meva choyi, qahva yoki sut tayyorlash uchun mukammaldir. U har qanday pechda ishlatish uchun mos keladi va yaxshi salomatlikni rag'batlantiradi.
1 review
564 793 som
1 226 952 som
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Ushbu emal qoplangan quyma temir Golland qozoni ikki tutqich bilan jihozlangan bo'lib, uni plita, pech va grilda ishlatish uchun mukammal qiladi. Uning o'lchamlari 18.2 sm x 14 sm x 6.4 sm va og'irligi 1.7 kg.
3 reviews
374 383 som – 417 928 som
Ushbu emal qoplangan quyma temir Golland qozoni ikki tutqich bilan jihozlangan bo'lib, uni plita, pech va grilda ishlatish uchun mukammal qiladi. Uning o'lchamlari 18.2 sm x 14 sm x 6.4 sm va og'irligi 1.7 kg.
3 reviews
374 383 som
1 482 600 som
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
This espresso distribution tool comes with a metal stand and is made of stainless steel with a 0.4mm 8-pin coffee stirring needle. It has an adjustable range and is constructed from aluminum iron. It is safe for food contact, requires no electricity, and
166 544 som
274 606 som
This espresso distribution tool comes with a metal stand and is made of stainless steel with a 0.4mm 8-pin coffee stirring needle. It has an adjustable range and is constructed from aluminum iron. It is safe for food contact, requires no electricity, and
166 544 som
274 606 som
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
This essential item for home kitchens is the 1-piece Rust-Resistant Cast Iron Skillet with Wooden Handle in Black. With a round bottom design, this wok is perfect for gas stoves and is available in multiple sizes. Made of stainless steel and free of any
2 reviews
242 777 som – 257 926 som
This essential item for home kitchens is the 1-piece Rust-Resistant Cast Iron Skillet with Wooden Handle in Black. With a round bottom design, this wok is perfect for gas stoves and is available in multiple sizes. Made of stainless steel and free of any
2 reviews
242 777 som
430 320 som
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
This essential kitchen gadget is perfect for quick meals in apartments and dorms. The heat-resistant Microwave Pasta Cooker with Strainer is made of easy-clean plastic and is designed for hassle-free noodle steaming.
3 reviews
89 592 som
312 910 som
This essential kitchen gadget is perfect for quick meals in apartments and dorms. The heat-resistant Microwave Pasta Cooker with Strainer is made of easy-clean plastic and is designed for hassle-free noodle steaming.
3 reviews
89 592 som
312 910 som
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Ushbu muhim oshxona asbobi - ichki sabun tarqatuvchiga ega bo'lgan mustahkam va ko'p maqsadli tozalash cho'tkasi. Qozonlar, skovorodkalar va idishlar uchun mukammal, ushbu qayta ishlatiladigan tozalovchi vosita har qanday uy uchun zarurdir.
4 reviews
49 564 som – 96 880 som
Ushbu muhim oshxona asbobi - ichki sabun tarqatuvchiga ega bo'lgan mustahkam va ko'p maqsadli tozalash cho'tkasi. Qozonlar, skovorodkalar va idishlar uchun mukammal, ushbu qayta ishlatiladigan tozalovchi vosita har qanday uy uchun zarurdir.
4 reviews
52 308 som
123 984 som
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Ushbu muhim to'plam 4 ta devorga o'rnatiladigan hojatxona cho'tkalarini o'z ichiga oladi, yumshoq silikon cho'tka boshiga, uzun tutqichga va barcha uy tozalash ehtiyojlaringiz uchun qo'shimcha kichik cho'tkalarga ega. RV hojatxonalar uchun mukammal!
85 851 som
145 742 som
Ushbu muhim to'plam 4 ta devorga o'rnatiladigan hojatxona cho'tkalarini o'z ichiga oladi, yumshoq silikon cho'tka boshiga, uzun tutqichga va barcha uy tozalash ehtiyojlaringiz uchun qo'shimcha kichik cho'tkalarga ega. RV hojatxonalar uchun mukammal!
85 851 som
145 742 som
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
This European style wave curtain features a beautiful black lace valance with a flower pattern. The short curtain is designed with a rod pocket, making it suitable for windows and doors. Add a touch of elegance to your living room with this decorative
3 reviews
198 147 som – 279 811 som
This European style wave curtain features a beautiful black lace valance with a flower pattern. The short curtain is designed with a rod pocket, making it suitable for windows and doors. Add a touch of elegance to your living room with this decorative
3 reviews
198 147 som
400 587 som
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
This exquisite 2-piece jewelry set exudes classic European sophistication. Featuring a luxurious golden metal flower pendant on a delicate snake chain necklace, paired with matching earrings, these elegant accessories are ideal for women seeking a touch
49 946 som
229 650 som
This exquisite 2-piece jewelry set exudes classic European sophistication. Featuring a luxurious golden metal flower pendant on a delicate snake chain necklace, paired with matching earrings, these elegant accessories are ideal for women seeking a touch
49 946 som
229 650 som
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
This exquisite 5-piece jewelry set boasts a luxurious vintage Middle Eastern style, complete with vibrant rhinestone drop pendants. Including a necklace, earrings, ring, and bracelet all crafted from Zinc Alloy, this set is the perfect accessory for
99 849 som
433 293 som
This exquisite 5-piece jewelry set boasts a luxurious vintage Middle Eastern style, complete with vibrant rhinestone drop pendants. Including a necklace, earrings, ring, and bracelet all crafted from Zinc Alloy, this set is the perfect accessory for
99 849 som
433 293 som
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Ushbu ajoyib 5.09/10.09ct Moissanite Nikoh Uzuki 925 Kumushda ajoyib dizaynga ega bo'lib, GRA Sertifikatiga ega. Bu uzuk 14-fevral, tug'ilgan kunlar yoki yubileylar uchun ideal bo'lib, o'sha maxsus inson uchun mukammal sovg'a hisoblanadi.
921 361 som – 1 900 609 som
Ushbu ajoyib 5.09/10.09ct Moissanite Nikoh Uzuki 925 Kumushda ajoyib dizaynga ega bo'lib, GRA Sertifikatiga ega. Bu uzuk 14-fevral, tug'ilgan kunlar yoki yubileylar uchun ideal bo'lib, o'sha maxsus inson uchun mukammal sovg'a hisoblanadi.
1 900 609 som
9 915 457 som
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Ushbu nafis 925 Sterling Silver yurak shaklidagi Moissanite Princess stacking uzuk har qanday maxsus tadbir uchun ajoyib tanlovdir. Gippoallergen 2ct yoki 1ct tosh bilan, u nikoh takliflari, to'y yilliklari yoki 14-fevral sovg'asi sifatida mukammaldir.
274 159 som – 358 594 som
Ushbu nafis 925 Sterling Silver yurak shaklidagi Moissanite Princess stacking uzuk har qanday maxsus tadbir uchun ajoyib tanlovdir. Gippoallergen 2ct yoki 1ct tosh bilan, u nikoh takliflari, to'y yilliklari yoki 14-fevral sovg'asi sifatida mukammaldir.
354 176 som
1 282 811 som
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Ushbu nafis 925 Sterling Silver Ochiq Halqa jozibador Folga Tekstura dizayniga ega bo'lib, u ham moslashuvchan, ham nafisdir. Vintage hashamati bilan, u tantanali tadbirlar, masalan, banketlar uchun mukammal va ideal sovg'a hisoblanadi. Bu noyob.
166 080 som
215 701 som
Ushbu nafis 925 Sterling Silver Ochiq Halqa jozibador Folga Tekstura dizayniga ega bo'lib, u ham moslashuvchan, ham nafisdir. Vintage hashamati bilan, u tantanali tadbirlar, masalan, banketlar uchun mukammal va ideal sovg'a hisoblanadi. Bu noyob.
166 080 som
215 701 som
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
This exquisite Black Onyx and Freshwater Pearl Necklace is lovingly handcrafted and is the ideal gift for anyone. Whether it's for her or him, this timeless piece is perfect for daily wear or special occasions like weddings. The Black Onyx gemstone is
1 484 431 som – 1 754 345 som
This exquisite Black Onyx and Freshwater Pearl Necklace is lovingly handcrafted and is the ideal gift for anyone. Whether it's for her or him, this timeless piece is perfect for daily wear or special occasions like weddings. The Black Onyx gemstone is
1 667 557 som
7 203 797 som
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Ushbu ajoyib bilaguzuk vintage uslubidagi oltin qoplamali misdan tayyorlangan bo'lib, jozibali tangalar charmiga ega. Har kuni kiyish uchun yoki maxsus ayolga o'ylangan sovg'a sifatida ideal.
56 454 som
291 256 som
Ushbu ajoyib bilaguzuk vintage uslubidagi oltin qoplamali misdan tayyorlangan bo'lib, jozibali tangalar charmiga ega. Har kuni kiyish uchun yoki maxsus ayolga o'ylangan sovg'a sifatida ideal.
56 454 som
291 256 som
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
This exquisite Bridal Set features a Royal Crown Design made of high-quality 925 Sterling Silver. The stunning 0.5 Carat Round Moissanite Engagement and Wedding Ring Set is secured in a 4-Prong Setting. Perfect for those with sensitive skin, it is
211 611 som
969 801 som
This exquisite Bridal Set features a Royal Crown Design made of high-quality 925 Sterling Silver. The stunning 0.5 Carat Round Moissanite Engagement and Wedding Ring Set is secured in a 4-Prong Setting. Perfect for those with sensitive skin, it is
211 611 som
969 801 som
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
This exquisite collection features luxurious women's jewelry adorned with shimmering water diamonds, including a stunning necklace, elegant earrings, and a versatile stretch bracelet. Perfect for adding a touch of glamour to any party or dance.
41 570 som
216 888 som
This exquisite collection features luxurious women's jewelry adorned with shimmering water diamonds, including a stunning necklace, elegant earrings, and a versatile stretch bracelet. Perfect for adding a touch of glamour to any party or dance.
41 570 som
216 888 som
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Ushbu ajoyib Kuba hip-hop moda marjonida 4.0mm aralash qator Moissanite toshlari 925 sterling kumushga o'rnatilgan. 18, 20, 22 va 24 dyuym uzunliklarda mavjud bo'lib, mos ravishda 106, 118, 129 va 142 dona mavjud. Taxminan 38.5 gramm og'irlikda.
3 500 003 som – 4 088 700 som
Ushbu ajoyib Kuba hip-hop moda marjonida 4.0mm aralash qator Moissanite toshlari 925 sterling kumushga o'rnatilgan. 18, 20, 22 va 24 dyuym uzunliklarda mavjud bo'lib, mos ravishda 106, 118, 129 va 142 dona mavjud. Taxminan 38.5 gramm og'irlikda.
3 500 003 som
17 772 636 som
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
This exquisite French-inspired 3-piece Moissanite ring set features 18K gold-plated 925 sterling silver with options of 2, 5, or 10 carats. Perfect for women, this stunning set is perfect for celebrating Valentine's Day, weddings, anniversaries, and any
1 642 592 som
7 857 191 som
This exquisite French-inspired 3-piece Moissanite ring set features 18K gold-plated 925 sterling silver with options of 2, 5, or 10 carats. Perfect for women, this stunning set is perfect for celebrating Valentine's Day, weddings, anniversaries, and any
1 642 592 som
7 857 191 som
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Proenza Schouler Oq Belgi
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Proenza Schouler Oq Belgi
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Proenza Schouler Oq Belgi
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Proenza Schouler Oq Belgi
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Proenza Schouler Oq Belgi
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Proenza Schouler Oq Belgi
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Proenza Schouler Oq Belgi
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Proenza Schouler Oq Belgi
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Proenza Schouler Oq Belgi
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Proenza Schouler Oq Belgi
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Proenza Schouler Oq Belgi
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Proenza Schouler Oq Belgi
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Proenza Schouler Oq Belgi
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Proenza Schouler Oq Belgi
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Proenza Schouler Oq Belgi
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Proenza Schouler Oq Belgi
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Proenza Schouler Oq Belgi
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Proenza Schouler Oq Belgi
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Proenza Schouler Oq Belgi
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Proenza Schouler Oq Belgi
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Proenza Schouler Oq Belgi
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Proenza Schouler Oq Belgi
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Proenza Schouler Oq Belgi
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Proenza Schouler Oq Belgi
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