A set of 6 Penguin Egg Cookers made of plastic, perfect for boiling both hard and soft eggs. This food-safe kitchen gadget is a great gift idea for Christmas, Thanksgiving, Mother's Day, and Labor Day.
Doimiy narx 52 052 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi bo'yicha126 140 UZSSotuv narxi 52 052 UZS -
A set of 6 plush puzzle rugs perfect for bedroom and living room. These soft, washable mats can also be customized for use in the kitchen, bathroom, or dorm rooms. Each rug measures 29.97cm square.
Doimiy narx Dan 70 252 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi bo'yicha178 048 UZSSotuv narxi Dan 70 252 UZS -
A set of 6 Pot Brushes with Long Handles for versatile kitchen cleaning. Includes Pot Washing Brush, Dishwashing Brush, Durable Scrub Brush for Pans and Pots, Countertop and Sink Scrub Brush. Ideal for cleaning supplies and tools.
Doimiy narx 36 315 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi bo'yicha67 760 UZSSotuv narxi 36 315 UZS -
6 ta silikon havo fritözlari uchun qoplamalar to'plami, sog'lom ovqat tayyorlash uchun mukammal. Ushbu dumaloq, qayta ishlatiladigan va tozalash oson bo'lgan pishirish matlari ovqat tayyorlashni osonlashtiradi.
Doimiy narx 48 703 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi bo'yicha104 440 UZSSotuv narxi 48 703 UZS -
A set of 6 Silicone Stretch Lids for food bowls, reusable food covers for saving leftovers, versatile covers for fruits and vegetables, sealed storage for preserving freshness, ideal for storing fruits and veggies, a reusable kitchen essential.
Doimiy narx Dan 37 087 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi bo'yicha53 984 UZSSotuv narxi Dan 37 087 UZS -
A set of 6/12 smile-shaped elastic lids made from food-grade material. These retractable bowl lids are reusable and perfect for storing fruits, vegetables, and other food items. They are dishwasher safe and can be used as multi-purpose crisper lids for
Doimiy narx Dan 17 191 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi bo'yicha73 600 UZSSotuv narxi Dan 17 191 UZS -
7 ta zanglamas po'latdan yasalgan asboblar to'plami, sabzavotlarni kesish va maydalash uchun almashtiriladigan pichoq bilan. Ushbu qo'l bilan ishlaydigan oshxona asbobi kartoshka, sabzi va bodring tayyorlash uchun mukammaldir.
Doimiy narx 57 694 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi bo'yicha103 038 UZSSotuv narxi 57 694 UZS -
8 ta yumshoq, premium paxta sochiq to'plami, turli o'lchamlarda, tez quriydigan va pufak, ko'p rangli. 2 ta hammom sochiqi, 2 ta qo'l sochiqi va 4 ta yuvish sochiqni o'z ichiga oladi. Mukammal hammom aksessuarlari.
Doimiy narx 295 741 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi bo'yicha939 370 UZSSotuv narxi 295 741 UZS -
8 ta zanglamas po'latdan yasalgan oshxona asboblari to'plami, qulay tutqichlar bilan - Qaynatgichda yuvish mumkin va ranglari kumush.
Doimiy narx 392 218 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi bo'yicha1 059 432 UZSSotuv narxi 392 218 UZS -
9 ta vakuum saqlash sumkasi to'plami, siqish va joyni tejash uchun qo'l nasosiga ega. Yostiqlar, ko'rpa-to'shaklar va kiyimlar uchun ideal. Ushbu ko'p maqsadli sumkalar keng shaklga ega va plastikdan tayyorlangan, elektr energiyasi talab qilinmaydi.
Doimiy narx 178 352 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi bo'yicha345 207 UZSSotuv narxi 178 352 UZS -
Trimli, sirpanmaydigan shaffof akril kesish taxtalari to'plami, oshxona ish yuzalarini himoya qilish uchun katta taxtalar, kvartiralar uchun zaruriy buyumlar va oshxona asboblari ixlosmandlari uchun ajoyib sovg'alar.
Doimiy narx Dan 169 455 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi bo'yicha416 208 UZSSotuv narxi Dan 169 455 UZS -
Yotoqxona uchun mo'ljallangan asosiy polyester yostiq qoplari to'plami - yumshoq, teriga yumshoq va nafas oladigan.
Doimiy narx Dan 46 752 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi bo'yicha132 686 UZSSotuv narxi Dan 46 752 UZS -
Qalin to'rtburchakli dizayni va qopqog'i bo'lgan, mustahkam zanglamas po'latdan yasalgan bufet chafing idishlari to'plami. Spirtli ichimliklar va gaz bilan ishlatish uchun mos, uy oshxonalarida, restoranlarda va mehmonxonalarda foydalanish uchun mukammal.
Doimiy narx Dan 601 645 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi bo'yicha1 190 400 UZSSotuv narxi Dan 601 645 UZS -
A set of Christmas tree shaped plastic trays perfect for serving appetizers, candy, salad, dessert, and nuts. These food-safe party trays are great for home, office, and holiday gatherings. Each pack includes multiple trays for easy serving and clean up.
Doimiy narx Dan 39 572 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi bo'yicha144 844 UZSSotuv narxi Dan 39 572 UZS -
A set of colorful Easter egg print refrigerator handle covers designed to protect door handles from slips, oils, and stains. These reusable protectors feature a vibrant design perfect for both home and hotel use.
Doimiy narx 42 125 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi bo'yicha54 834 UZSSotuv narxi 42 125 UZS -
A set of five Glass Fiber Non-Stick Reusable Toaster Bags in a 6.3x6.5 inch/16x16.5 cm size, perfect for making Grilled Cheese Sandwiches, Pizza, Panini, Garlic Bread, and more. These bags are compatible with microwaves and grills, making them versatile
Doimiy narx 52 087 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi bo'yicha136 220 UZSSotuv narxi 52 087 UZS -
A set of five silicone baking mats, designed to be heat-resistant and non-stick. These reusable tray mats are easy to wash and clean, perfect for baking macarons, cakes, cookies, and pizza. Essential tools for any kitchen baker.
Doimiy narx 98 192 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi bo'yicha366 678 UZSSotuv narxi 98 192 UZS -
Quruq ingredientlar yoki suyuqliklar uchun mo'ljallangan beshta zanglamas po'latdan yasalgan o'lchov stakanlari va qoshiq to'plami, pishirish va pishirish uchun ideal. Barcha pishirish ehtiyojlaringiz uchun zarur oshxona asboblari va vositalari.
Doimiy narx 71 237 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi bo'yicha183 170 UZSSotuv narxi 71 237 UZS -
A set of four airtight food storage containers with lids, each holding 5.2 liters or 175 ounces. Made of plastic, these containers are perfect for organizing your pantry during the Christmas holiday season. They are ideal for storing flour, snacks
Doimiy narx 345 719 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi bo'yicha825 719 UZSSotuv narxi 345 719 UZS -
A set of four natural loofah sponges made from wood pulp fiber. These rectangular sponges are lightweight and made from non-woven fabric, making them reusable for various purposes such as bathing, spa treatments, skincare, kitchen cleaning, dishwashing
Doimiy narx 37 864 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi bo'yicha118 720 UZSSotuv narxi 37 864 UZS -
To'rt dona oldindan tayyorlangan quyma temir qozonlar to'plami, qovurish, qaynatish va pishirish uchun mukammal. Olma piroglarini va quiche tayyorlash uchun ideal, bu ko'p funksiyali qozonlar har qanday oshxona uchun zarurdir.
Doimiy narx 734 254 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi bo'yicha2 044 320 UZSSotuv narxi 734 254 UZS -
A set of four square cutting boards with a non-slip base, made of thickened plastic and accompanied by a storage rack. These cutting boards are designed for easy fruit and vegetable preparation, with a spill-proof classification system. Perfect for
Doimiy narx 363 329 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi bo'yicha783 072 UZSSotuv narxi 363 329 UZS -
Qo'l bilan tayyorlangan Damask po'latidan yasalgan choy pichog'i, zanglamaydigan po'latdan yasalgan Pu-erh choy kesgichi va choy toshini ochuvchi, shuningdek, Matcha uchun yog'och choy asboblari to'plami, uy oshxona aksessuarlari uchun mukammal.
Doimiy narx Dan 16 069 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi bo'yicha116 260 UZSSotuv narxi Dan 16 069 UZS -
Parda iplarini mahkamlash uchun magnit parda bog'ichlari to'plami, oilaviy uy yoki ofis bezatish uchun ideal.
Doimiy narx Dan 13 999 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi bo'yicha38 777 UZSSotuv narxi Dan 13 999 UZS