Kolleksiya: Mahsulotlar
Katta LED devor soati qulay ishlatish uchun masofadan boshqarish pultiga ega. U raqamli ko'rsatkich, signal, taqvim va harorat funksiyasiga ega. Soat USB orqali quvvatlanadi, bu esa uni ishlatishni qulay qiladi.
4.25 / 5.0
(4) 4 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx Dan 334 960 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha1 272 120 UZSSotuv narxi Dan 334 960 UZS -
The LattBy Hardwood Floor Brush is designed for vacuum cleaners with a 360° rotating head and horse hair bristles. It is compatible with Bissell, Eureka, Royal, and more. This brush is perfect for cleaning bedrooms, bathrooms, living rooms, and outdoor
Doimiy narx 96 018 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha213 538 UZSSotuv narxi 96 018 UZS -
Tengil Mop: Qo'l bilan yuvish uchun almashtiriladigan yuz matosi bilan sizning eng yaxshi tozalash yordamchingiz. Devorlar, stol, shkaf eshiklari va pol uchun ideal. Uy, ochiq joy, yotoqxona va ofis tozalash uchun zaruriy narsadir.
Doimiy narx Dan 61 928 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha92 807 UZSSotuv narxi Dan 61 928 UZS -
The Lazy Magic Mop Bucket Set includes an automatic rotating mop and 3 replacement heads. The hands-free wooden floor cleaning set features a super fine fiber pad for a thorough clean. The board mop with bucket makes cleaning floors a breeze.
5.0 / 5.0
(4) 4 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx 497 923 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha824 640 UZSSotuv narxi 497 923 UZS -
Erkak osonlik bilan yotoqni ko'taradi, bo'shliqni tuzatadi, yotoq to'quv va matrasni tartibga soluvchi yordamida uy ishlarini osonlashtiradi va tezda almashtirishni ta'minlaydi.
5.0 / 5.0
(4) 4 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx 18 736 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha80 842 UZSSotuv narxi 18 736 UZS -
The Leorate Plush Solid Color Area Rug is a cozy bedside carpet perfect for any living room. Measuring 60.96cm x 88.9cm, this rug is made of machine washable polyester, making it easy to clean and maintain. Ideal for decorating for Christmas
4.67 / 5.0
(3) 3 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx Dan 79 470 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha174 018 UZSSotuv narxi Dan 79 470 UZS -
Yengil hashamatli aylanuvchi saqlash tokchasi oshxona aylanuvchisi, ziravor shishalari uchun shaffof ziravor tokchasi va yashash xonasi uchun ish stoli saqlash qutisini o'z ichiga oladi.
5.0 / 5.0
(3) 3 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx 92 950 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha201 500 UZSSotuv narxi 92 950 UZS -
LISM magnit hojatxona tozalagichi 2/4 to'plamni o'z ichiga oladi. U kimyoviy moddalar, dog'lar yo'q va uzoq muddatli. Foydalanish uchun elektr energiyasi talab qilinmaydi. Uy, maktab, mehmonxona, ofis, kvartira va kollej yotoqxonalari uchun mukammal.
5.0 / 5.0
(2) 2 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx Dan 42 153 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha93 184 UZSSotuv narxi Dan 42 153 UZS -
The LOMILD Adjustable Telescopic Rod is a glamorous black stainless steel drapery rod that requires no drilling for installation. This expandable rod comes in multiple sizes and is perfect for adding a stylish touch to your home decor. Ideal for use in
5.0 / 5.0
(3) 3 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx Dan 119 452 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha438 612 UZSSotuv narxi Dan 119 452 UZS -
LOVIGA portativ konditsioner quvuri 14.99 sm diametr va 203.2 sm uzunlik bilan qulaylik uchun optimallashtirilgan bo'lib, u universal mos keladi. Ushbu quvur mustahkam polipropilen va temir materiallardan tayyorlangan bo'lib, o'rnatish oson.
5.0 / 5.0
(4) 4 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx 199 130 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha676 078 UZSSotuv narxi 199 130 UZS -
Low Reach Adapter Dyson V7, V8, V10, V11 va V15 changyutgichlari bilan ishlash uchun mo'ljallangan. U yuqori adapter aksessuari o'rnini bosuvchi sifatida xizmat qiladi, lekin Gen5, V15S yoki boshqa modellarga mos kelmaydi.
5.0 / 5.0
(3) 3 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx 136 453 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha376 480 UZSSotuv narxi 136 453 UZS -
Pastki teleskopik adapter Dyson vakuum tozalagich aksessuarlari V7, V8, V10, V11 va V15 bilan mos keladi va oson ulanish sozlamalari uchun buriladigan boshni o'z ichiga oladi.
5.0 / 5.0
(3) 3 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx 141 285 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha197 934 UZSSotuv narxi 141 285 UZS -
The Luxurious Plush Round Mat offers Minimalist Elegance - Featuring Ribbed Texture Design, this Ultra-Soft, Machine Washable, Non-Slip Polyester Mat comes in White or Pink. Ideal for Bedroom, Living Room, Closet, Dressing Area, and Home Decor, these
5.0 / 5.0
(3) 3 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx Dan 97 097 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha225 108 UZSSotuv narxi Dan 97 097 UZS -
Zarif saten materialidan tayyorlangan 3-qismli to'plam 1 ta yostiq qopqog'ini (yostiq yadrosi kiritilmagan) va 2 ta bosh bog'ichni o'z ichiga oladi. Ushbu zamonaviy va oddiy dizayn yotoqxona, hammom yoki mehmonxonada foydalanish uchun mukammaldir.
5.0 / 5.0
(4) 4 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx Dan 53 745 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha279 136 UZSSotuv narxi Dan 53 745 UZS -
The Magnetic Fireplace Blanket is designed to prevent heat loss and keep drafts out of indoor fireplaces. This fireplace cover features a built-in 12 strong magnets for easy attachment to iron fireplace frames or screens. Measuring 39x32 inches, it
Doimiy narx 241 072 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha749 832 UZSSotuv narxi 241 072 UZS -
The Mamamax Adjustable Window Air Conditioner Side Panels and Frame Kit is designed to provide a dust-proof insulation solution for your AC unit. Made of easy-to-install PVC material, these filler panels require no power and effectively seal off heat and
Doimiy narx 348 199 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha927 912 UZSSotuv narxi 348 199 UZS -
TM6 va TM5 uchun apelsin sharbati va limon ajratish uchun qo'l pressi qopqog'i mo'ljallangan. Ushbu qopqoq samarali presslash uchun maxsus ishlab chiqilgan bo'lib, foydalanuvchilarga muammosiz sharbat tayyorlash tajribasini taqdim etadi. Bu a'
4.75 / 5.0
(4) 4 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx 154 267 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha404 898 UZSSotuv narxi 154 267 UZS -
Qo'l Lint Ruloni: Qayta ishlatiladigan, statik elektrga qarshi va qo'lda tozalash uchun qulay va samarali uy yordamchisi.
Doimiy narx 55 003 UZSSotuv narxi 55 003 UZSBirlik narxi / bo'yicha -
The Manual Vegetable Chopper is a versatile kitchen tool that combines a garlic press and grater in one. This hand-pulled chopper is perfect for chopping garlic, herbs, and onions without the need for electricity. Made from plastic and metal materials
5.0 / 5.0
(3) 3 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx Dan 60 397 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha153 478 UZSSotuv narxi Dan 60 397 UZS -
Micro-Pop mikroto'lqinli popcorn pishirgichi 2.25 kvart sig'imga ega bo'lib, mustahkam borosilikat shishadan tayyorlangan, mikroto'lqinli pechda issiq havo popcorn tayyorlash uchun mukammaldir.
5.0 / 5.0
(3) 3 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx Dan 158 254 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha404 118 UZSSotuv narxi Dan 158 254 UZS -
Mikro-bosimli qozon Orange Ring ni o'rnatish uchun mukammal joydir.
Doimiy narx 354 313 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha652 080 UZSSotuv narxi 354 313 UZS -
The Microfiber Ceiling Fan Cleaner is a versatile solution for cleaning hard-to-reach places. With its telescopic wand and reusable duster, it makes cleaning ceiling fan blades and walls a breeze. Perfect for use on bookshelves, furniture, and more, this
5.0 / 5.0
(4) 4 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx 270 402 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha709 680 UZSSotuv narxi 270 402 UZS -
The Microfiber Mop and Bucket Set allows for hands-free washing and can be used for both wet and dry cleaning. It is perfect for cleaning tile, marble, and hardwood floors, as well as other surfaces such as living rooms, bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens
4.75 / 5.0
(4) 4 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx 328 576 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha382 637 UZSSotuv narxi 328 576 UZS -
The Microfiber Spin Mop and Bucket System comes with 4 reusable pads and features a self-wringing mechanism and a 360° rotating mop head for efficient wet and dry floor cleaning. Perfect for use in the living room, bedroom, bathroom, toilet, and on
5.0 / 5.0
(2) 2 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx 361 444 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha1 056 000 UZSSotuv narxi 361 444 UZS