Kolleksiya: Mahsulotlar
The Hausroland Stainless Steel Tea Kettle is a versatile and efficient kitchen essential. With a capacity of 1.7L or 3L, this kettle requires no electricity, making it perfect for use on open fire gas stoves or induction cookers. Ideal for both kitchen
5.0 / 5.0
(1) 1 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx Dan 360 366 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha918 792 UZSSotuv narxi Dan 360 366 UZS -
The HausRoland Stainless Steel Teapot is induction compatible, making it perfect for brewing blooming and loose leaf tea. It is ideal for use in the home, office, and restaurant. Shop the HausRoland teapot today!
Doimiy narx 755 992 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha1 570 512 UZSSotuv narxi 755 992 UZS -
HausRoland zanglamas po'latdan yasalgan chayqovuq 3L sig'imga ega va pechka bilan mos keladi. U eshitiladigan shovqin, issiqqa chidamli tutqichga ega va foydalanish uchun elektr energiyasini talab qilmaydi.
Doimiy narx Dan 402 890 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha1 490 400 UZSSotuv narxi Dan 402 890 UZS -
The HausRoland Tea Kettle is a 4.5L stainless steel stovetop teapot that whistles when water is boiling. It is compatible with gas and induction stovetops and does not require electricity to use. This food-grade water kettle comes with a whistle for
Doimiy narx Dan 502 733 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha1 297 920 UZSSotuv narxi Dan 502 733 UZS -
The Heat Powered Stove Fan is a magnetically mounted flue pipe fireplace fan with 4 blades, suitable for wood stoves that do not require electricity. This silent Ecofan is designed to help circulate heat from gas, logs, or pellet stoves.
5.0 / 5.0
(4) 4 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx 300 802 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha1 280 592 UZSSotuv narxi 300 802 UZS -
Og'ir yuk ko'taruvchi Grille tozalash to'plami 6 ta Grille toshlari, 40 ta Grille cho'tkalari, tutqichli tozalash padlari va grill ustidagi dog'larni oson olib tashlash uchun Grille qirqgichini o'z ichiga oladi.
Doimiy narx 406 846 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha678 672 UZSSotuv narxi 406 846 UZS -
HEROBABY zanglamas po'latdan yasalgan izolyatsiyalangan ovqat qutisi qopqoq bilan, ofis xodimlari va talabalar uchun mukammal bo'lgan, to'g'ri, tozalash oson bo'lgan bento qutisidir. Maktab, kollej, lager va pikniklar uchun ideal.
5.0 / 5.0
(3) 3 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx Dan 66 678 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha168 818 UZSSotuv narxi Dan 66 678 UZS -
The HHLXGG Multi-Layer Metal Shoe Rack is a durable and stylish storage solution for your shoes. With its dustproof design and space-saving features, this easy-to-assemble floor-standing shoe shelf is perfect for any room in your home.
Doimiy narx 182 592 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha339 938 UZSSotuv narxi 182 592 UZS -
The high-quality, foldable lazy sofa chair is designed for single-person use and features a Japanese tatami seat for ultimate comfort. This multipurpose bean bag is suitable for a variety of room types and is made of durable steel material. It is machine
5.0 / 5.0
(4) 4 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx Dan 1 102 658 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha1 347 816 UZSSotuv narxi Dan 1 102 658 UZS -
The High-Speed Portable Handheld Turbo Fan offers USB rechargeable 3000mAh battery. It is a foldable desktop fan that comes with a convenient neck strap, making it perfect for home, office, outdoor activities, and travel. This fan makes an ideal personal
Doimiy narx 205 435 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha639 860 UZSSotuv narxi 205 435 UZS -
The Home Mop and Bucket Set features a water separation design, 360° rotatable mop, and adjustable stainless steel handle. It includes two ultrafine fiber mop heads and a separable double bucket for a double floor cleaning system. Additionally, this set
Doimiy narx 622 171 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha1 160 712 UZSSotuv narxi 622 171 UZS -
The HOME TIMES Aluminum Flat Mop and Bucket Set is perfect for all your cleaning needs. This set includes a wringer, 2 mop pads, and a silicone mop head. It is foldable and compact, requiring no electricity. Ideal for cleaning living rooms, bedrooms
Doimiy narx 502 368 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha1 289 400 UZSSotuv narxi 502 368 UZS -
The Home Times EasyWring 1-Tank System Mop Kit is a convenient cleaning solution that includes a stainless steel handle, scrub brush head, base, and 2 spin heads. This kit is compatible with O-Ceda and other Easy Cleaning Accessories, making cleaning a
5.0 / 5.0
(4) 4 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx 277 360 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha924 240 UZSSotuv narxi 277 360 UZS -
The Home Times Mop Replacement Parts includes 2 Microfiber Mop Heads, 1 Retractable 3-Section Mop Handle (55.88-124.46cm), and 1 Mop Base Cover Set specifically designed for the O-Ceda EasyWring 1-Tank Spin Mop System. This versatile set is suitable for
5.0 / 5.0
(1) 1 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx 310 328 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha525 312 UZSSotuv narxi 310 328 UZS -
The Hot Start Fan is a Classic Big I-Frame Fireplace Fan that does not require a plug to operate. With its 6-blade 165mm large fan blade and high base, this fan is designed to help save fuel and increase efficiency.
5.0 / 5.0
(4) 4 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx Dan 251 190 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha1 098 912 UZSSotuv narxi Dan 251 190 UZS -
The HOTU Portable 3-in-1 USB Rechargeable Vacuum Sealer is a handheld device that preserves fruits and vegetables, keeping them moisture-proof. Powered by a lithium battery, it is perfect for on-the-go food preservation.
5.0 / 5.0
(2) 2 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx 163 513 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha397 800 UZSSotuv narxi 163 513 UZS -
HOTU Portativ Qo'l Fan - bu 4 xil shamol tezligiga ega bo'lgan ixcham va kuchli mini shaxsiy fan. U qulay quvvat olish uchun USB orqali zaryadlanadigan 2600mAh batareyaga ega. Fan silliq plastikdan tayyorlangan va kiyiladigan dizaynga ega, bu esa
Doimiy narx Dan 116 793 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha758 810 UZSSotuv narxi Dan 116 793 UZS -
HOTU Tez Sovutish Portativ Turbo Ventilyatori - bu issiq havoda tezda sovutish uchun qudratli qo'l uskunasi. U shuningdek, chang va qorni olib tashlash, BBQ ko'mirini yoqish uchun ideal va ochiq havoda sarguzashtlar uchun mukammaldir.
4.25 / 5.0
(4) 4 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx 370 332 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha1 466 880 UZSSotuv narxi 370 332 UZS -
HOUCOC 20-dona Velur Kiyimlar Tashuvchilar To'plami Bolalar Kiyimlarini Shkafda Tashkil Etish Uchun Mukammal - Bolalar va O'smirlar uchun Shimlar, Ko'ylaklar va Liboslar uchun Sirpanmaydigan va Joyni Tejaydigan Yechim.
5.0 / 5.0
(4) 4 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx Dan 180 878 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha327 824 UZSSotuv narxi Dan 180 878 UZS -
The Household Broom and Dustpan Combo Set features a long handle, rotatable broom head, and built-in scraper. Its upright standing design ensures efficient cleaning, making it ideal for the living room and bedroom. This set also includes cleaning tools
5.0 / 5.0
(4) 4 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx Dan 247 032 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha590 280 UZSSotuv narxi Dan 247 032 UZS -
"Uy xo'jaligi yopishqoq bo'lmagan bug'li mato to'plami 3 dona, jumladan Mantou mato, qozon tortmasi bug'li mato va qattiq to'qima oziq-ovqat oshxona qozon matosini o'z ichiga oladi. Ushbu matolar ko'p funksiyali pishirish uchun mukammal va tozalash oson."
5.0 / 5.0
(3) 3 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx Dan 38 826 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha169 680 UZSSotuv narxi Dan 38 826 UZS -
The HSTOP USB Rechargeable Mini Jet Fan is equipped with a 10000mAh Lithium Battery, making it perfect for both indoor and outdoor use. This Portable Compressed Air Duster is a powerful and multi-functional Electric Dust Blower, ideal for BBQ Ignition
5.0 / 5.0
(4) 4 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx 643 769 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha1 854 072 UZSSotuv narxi 643 769 UZS -
R410A uchun HVAC Adapter to'plami - 5/16" SAE Ayolni 1/4" SAE Erkak Flare'ga aylantiradi. Havo konditsionerlar uchun ulanishlar, aksessuarlar va kengaytma o'z ichiga oladi.
5.0 / 5.0
(4) 4 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx 91 023 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha280 540 UZSSotuv narxi 91 023 UZS -
The IAGREEA electric rotary scrubber features 3 adjustable speeds and comes with a cordless electric rotary cleaning brush. It includes a handheld shower with 9 replaceable brush heads, an adjustable extended handle, and is suitable for use on tiles
5.0 / 5.0
(3) 3 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx 298 817 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha732 192 UZSSotuv narxi 298 817 UZS