Mahsulot ma'lumotlariga o'tish
1 ning 7

- 360 daraja aylanuvchi, yopishqoq yopish, va ajratiladigan xususiyatga ega bo'lgan ikki taqiladigan aravachalar uchun tutqich, mustahkam plastikdan tayyorlangan.

- 360 daraja aylanuvchi, yopishqoq yopish, va ajratiladigan xususiyatga ega bo'lgan ikki taqiladigan aravachalar uchun tutqich, mustahkam plastikdan tayyorlangan.

Doimiy narx ₸2,000.00 KZT
Doimiy narx ₸4,800.00 KZT Sotuv narxi ₸2,000.00 KZT


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To'liq ma'lumotlarni ko'rish
Tegishli yosh guruhi: 14+
Asosiy material: Boshqa plastik
Item ID: 48868261
2pcs stroller hooks 360 degree rotating hook and loop fastener detachable hooks   plastic details 0
2pcs stroller hooks 360 degree rotating hook and loop fastener detachable hooks   plastic details 1
2pcs stroller hooks 360 degree rotating hook and loop fastener detachable hooks   plastic details 2
2pcs stroller hooks 360 degree rotating hook and loop fastener detachable hooks   plastic details 3
2pcs stroller hooks 360 degree rotating hook and loop fastener detachable hooks   plastic details 4

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