Mahsulot ma'lumotlariga o'tish
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[Eng yaxshi tanlov] 360° aylanishga ega uchburchak mopu, har qanday yuzada samarali tozalash uchun moslashtiriladigan uzunlik - uyda yotoqxona, hammom, oshxona, yashash xonasi va pollarda foydalanish uchun mukammal

[Eng yaxshi tanlov] 360° aylanishga ega uchburchak mopu, har qanday yuzada samarali tozalash uchun moslashtiriladigan uzunlik - uyda yotoqxona, hammom, oshxona, yashash xonasi va pollarda foydalanish uchun mukammal

4 umumiy sharhlar

Doimiy narx ₸5,400.00 KZT
Doimiy narx ₸10,900.00 KZT Sotuv narxi ₸5,400.00 KZT


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Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews

this is great for washing bathroom tiles, highly recommend gets the job done in short time. so easy to use


Cool mop with 5 attachments, very easy to assemble, the color and quality are wonderful, it wrings out itself, do not get your hands dirty finally, I highly recommend and am glad, thank you for a useful thing in everyday life and for an excellent discount!!


A great part of this mop. There are still 5 spare cloths. The quality is extraordinarily good, very stable. I used it to clean my tiles. You really don't need a ladder anymore and the triangular shape makes it easy to get into the corners.
I recommend this mop, perfect. The price is ok


Brilliant Mop, so easy to set up and use. Very light weight and nice long handle. , highly recommended. Works so well great price

To'liq ma'lumotlarni ko'rish
Qo'llaniladigan joy: Yashash xonasi, Yotoqxona, Hammom, Tualet, Oshxona
Item ID: 81168883
1. Tozalashni osonlashtiring: Tozalash qutisi uchburchak shaklida ishlab chiqilgan va 360° aylanuvchi mopa boshqasi sizga o'lik burchaklarda hech qanday chang qoldirmaslik imkonini beradi va devorlar, shiftlar va deraza burchaklaridagi qiyin changlarni osonlik bilan hal qiladi. 2. Qo'llaringizni himoya qiling: qo'l yuvish va siqish harakatlarini takrorlang, suvni avtomatik siqish uchun itarish va tortish, qo'llaringizni bo'shating.
popular   360 rotating   mop adjustable and retractable for   cleaning on all   ideal for home use in bedroom bathroom   room floor cleaning mop details 0

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