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[Top Pick] Get 100pcs of Holographic Reusable Sealable Zipper Food Storage Bags with Aluminum Foil and Polyester Film. These Anti-Odor Plastic Bags have a Flat Transparent Window for Packaging, perfect for Party Food, Candy, Jewelry, and Lip Gloss.

[Top Pick] Get 100pcs of Holographic Reusable Sealable Zipper Food Storage Bags with Aluminum Foil and Polyester Film. These Anti-Odor Plastic Bags have a Flat Transparent Window for Packaging, perfect for Party Food, Candy, Jewelry, and Lip Gloss.

3 umumiy sharhlar

Doimiy narx ₸1,000.00 KZT
Doimiy narx ₸2,200.00 KZT Sotuv narxi ₸1,000.00 KZT


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To'liq ma'lumotlarni ko'rish
Xususiyat: Havo o'tkazmaydigan
Shakl: To'rtburchak
Material: PET, PET (polietilen tereftalat)
Oziq-ovqat bilan aloqa uchun ishlatilishi mumkin: Ha
Item ID: 92138609
popular   100pcs holographic reusable sealable zipper food storage bags aluminum foil polyester film anti odor plastic flat transparent window packaging bags suitable for party food candy jewelry lip gloss 4 sizes   details 0
popular   100pcs holographic reusable sealable zipper food storage bags aluminum foil polyester film anti odor plastic flat transparent window packaging bags suitable for party food candy jewelry lip gloss 4 sizes   details 1
popular   100pcs holographic reusable sealable zipper food storage bags aluminum foil polyester film anti odor plastic flat transparent window packaging bags suitable for party food candy jewelry lip gloss 4 sizes   details 2

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