Mahsulot ma'lumotlariga o'tish
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- Qoʻllaringizni quruq tuting 1 juft uzun qoʻlqopli suv oʻtkazmaydigan PVC tozalash qoʻlqoplari bilan - Oshxona, idish yuvish va kir yuvish vazifalari uchun mukammal - Barcha uy ishlaringiz uchun sirpanmaydigan va mustahkam - Uy uchun alkogolsiz zarur.

- Qoʻllaringizni quruq tuting 1 juft uzun qoʻlqopli suv oʻtkazmaydigan PVC tozalash qoʻlqoplari bilan - Oshxona, idish yuvish va kir yuvish vazifalari uchun mukammal - Barcha uy ishlaringiz uchun sirpanmaydigan va mustahkam - Uy uchun alkogolsiz zarur.

3 umumiy sharhlar

Doimiy narx ₸1,900.00 KZT
Doimiy narx ₸4,500.00 KZT Sotuv narxi ₸1,900.00 KZT


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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews

the gloves look exactly like on the website. I have large hands and long arms and they still fit perfectly and go all the way up over my elbow ! the color is also exactly like on the website as well as the pattern on the arm, the product is really what you see ! It is a great buy, a super quality and super comfortable for a cheap price ! Go for it !

Laura Elena Escovar Garcia

Fantastic, perfect size and have a very good feel. They reach up to the elbow which makes them very comfortable so as not to get your arms wet. The material is a bit thin, but super.

Алла Сова

They're great! It's just great. The rubber is soft. Long, as in the picture. With such gloves, cleaning will be a pleasure. Loved it. Thank you for the nice product. Good luck and prosperity to you.

To'liq ma'lumotlarni ko'rish
Qo'llaniladigan joy: Yashash xonasi, Yotoqxona, Hammom, Tualet, Oshxona
Suvga chidamlilik darajasi: Suv o'tkazmaydigan
Material: Polivinil xlorid (PVC)
Item ID: 55802221
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