Mahsulot ma'lumotlariga o'tish
1 ning 8

Noxud qotishma qahva tampiri, espresso mashinasi uchun tekis asosli - 1 dona, oshxona jihozlari, espresso taqsimlash asbobi

Noxud qotishma qahva tampiri, espresso mashinasi uchun tekis asosli - 1 dona, oshxona jihozlari, espresso taqsimlash asbobi

3 umumiy sharhlar

Doimiy narx ₸3,700.00 KZT
Doimiy narx ₸11,400.00 KZT Sotuv narxi ₸3,700.00 KZT


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To'liq ma'lumotlarni ko'rish
Material: Paslanmaydigan po'lat
Item ID: 57572386
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1pc stainless steel coffee tamper espresso distributor tool with   for espresso machine kitchen supplies details 1
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