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Jura Capresso SS316 qahva mashinalarini oval boshli vintlarni ochish uchun maxsus xavfsizlik asbob kaliti bilan ta'mirlash xizmati.

Jura Capresso SS316 qahva mashinalarini oval boshli vintlarni ochish uchun maxsus xavfsizlik asbob kaliti bilan ta'mirlash xizmati.

3 всего отзывов

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews

The article I ordered was a Jura oval key to open a Jura coffee machine, the article was exactly as described in the internet and came within the amount of time given in the internet. I am a satisfied customer.


Shipping was quick and smooth. The special key opened the back of my Jura S9 perfectly. There are even a few small rubber gaskets included, e.g. for the revision of the drainage valve. The purchase price was unbeatably low. So I'm completely satisfied.


Everything worked out perfectly. Item in very neat condition. Very satisfied in all areas. Gladly again. Thank you and greetings.

Обычная цена ₸2,200.00 KZT
Обычная цена ₸4,100.00 KZT Цена со скидкой ₸2,200.00 KZT


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Material: Paslanmaydigan po'lat
Quvvat manbai: Elektr energiyasiz foydalaning
Oziq-ovqat bilan aloqa uchun ishlatilishi mumkin: Yo'q
Item ID: 31362553
-Material: 316 zanglamas po'lat -Rang: Kumush -Xavfsizlik asbobi kaliti;Maxsus bit kaliti;Oval boshli vintlar -Qahva mashinalarining orqa devoridagi vintlarni olib tashlash uchun maxsus bit kaliti. -Dengiz darajasidagi 316 zanglamas po'latdan tayyorlangan, juda mustahkam va korroziyaga chidamli. -Kalit halqasi erkin harakatlanadi va darhol qo'llanilishi mumkin yoki osonlik bilan olib tashlanishi mumkin, shunda siz eng tor joylarga kirish uchun oddiy haydovchi tutqichidan foydalanishingiz mumkin. -Jura, Capresso, Krups, Franke, AEG, Orchestro, Sicilian uchun mos
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