Mahsulot ma'lumotlariga o'tish
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Zamonaviy 3-qismli kreslo va ottoman slipcover to'plami poliester va spandeksdan tayyorlangan, elastik lenta bilan, mashinada yuvish mumkin va bitta o'rindiqli divan uchun sirpanmaydigan dizayn.

Zamonaviy 3-qismli kreslo va ottoman slipcover to'plami poliester va spandeksdan tayyorlangan, elastik lenta bilan, mashinada yuvish mumkin va bitta o'rindiqli divan uchun sirpanmaydigan dizayn.

3 umumiy sharhlar

Doimiy narx ₸9,600.00 KZT
Doimiy narx ₸36,500.00 KZT Sotuv narxi ₸9,600.00 KZT


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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Colnot Isabelle

Delivered very quickly. Easy to install. Color as expected. Good product, to be seen in use. Compatible with Ikea chairs. I will order other colors.


Cool, the material is a bit grandma's but I'm shocked that it really fits an Ikea ear. I dressed the chair even from two parts, it stretched perfectly. I didn't even know that there were three elements :D attached. also if something from the two can also be :)


Superb chair covers with a nice texture to them, super soft too and easy to fit. I've used them to cover my IKEA Strandmon wing chairs and footstools. Delivery to the UK took 9 days but tracking was updated regularly and was delivered with Evri once the parcel entered the UK and went through customs. I would recommend these and will be buying more. the Yellow colour is lovely and bright.

To'liq ma'lumotlarni ko'rish
Amal ko'rsatmasi: Mashinada yuvish, qo'lda yuvish
Xususiyat: Slipcover-grip
Dizayn: Bir parcha
Yopilish turi: Elastik lenta
Uslub: Zamonaviy
Qoplama materiali: 92% polyester, 8% spandeks
Item ID: 23699211
Ushbu zamonaviy armchair va ottoman slipcover to'plami uch qismdan iborat bo'lib, qo'shimcha qulaylik uchun yuqori orqa dizayniga ega. Polyester va spandeks aralashmasidan tayyorlangan ushbu cho'ziluvchan himoya qoplamalari oson joylashtirish uchun elastik lenta bilan ta'minlangan. Ular mashinada yuvilishi mumkin va bitta o'rindiqli divaningizda joyida qolishini ta'minlash uchun sirpanmas tutqich dizayniga ega.

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