Mahsulot ma'lumotlariga o'tish
1 ning 7

3 ta elastik yumshoq qanotli stul qoplamalari to'plami yashash xonasi, ofis yoki uy bezaklari uchun - 2 ta stul qoplamasi va 1 ta stul/poyabzal qoplamasini o'z ichiga oladi.

3 ta elastik yumshoq qanotli stul qoplamalari to'plami yashash xonasi, ofis yoki uy bezaklari uchun - 2 ta stul qoplamasi va 1 ta stul/poyabzal qoplamasini o'z ichiga oladi.

2 umumiy sharhlar

Doimiy narx ₸10,200.00 KZT
Doimiy narx ₸38,200.00 KZT Sotuv narxi ₸10,200.00 KZT


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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews

Quality wing chair covers that fit IKEA Strandmon wing chairs, I have three sets now (yellow, orange and these black). They are great quality and feel soft, easy to fit and look great!
images show the yellow ones I'm currently using and these black ones I've just purchased. I think I will actually buy a few more (maybe the turquoise and green ones) as they're such good quality and a great way to update the look of a room without replacing furniture.


Great material, color matches as shown. Ideal for Ikea armchairs. I will definitely dive into ordering another set in a different color. Six out of five stars😍

To'liq ma'lumotlarni ko'rish
Amal ko'rsatmasi: Mashinada yuvish, qo'lda yuvish
Xususiyat: Slipcover-grip
Dizayn: Bir parcha
Yopilish turi: Elastik lenta
Uslub: Amerikancha
Qoplama materiali: 92% polyester, 8% spandeks
Item ID: 98899879
Ushbu to'plam 3 elastik plush stul qoplamasini o'z ichiga oladi, 2 qanotli stul qoplamasi va 1 stul/poyabzal qoplamasidan iborat. Sizning yashash xonangiz, ofisingiz yoki uy bezaklaringizga qulaylik qo'shish uchun ideal.

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