Mahsulot ma'lumotlariga o'tish
1 ning 10

"Qizilcha to'ldiruvchi velur divan qoplamasi, multfilm itning tikuvlari bilan. Hayvonlar uchun qulay, sirpanmaydigan, qalin plush mebel himoyachisi. Qulay uy aksessuari. Divan qoplamalari uchun bezakli hunarmandchilik."

"Qizilcha to'ldiruvchi velur divan qoplamasi, multfilm itning tikuvlari bilan. Hayvonlar uchun qulay, sirpanmaydigan, qalin plush mebel himoyachisi. Qulay uy aksessuari. Divan qoplamalari uchun bezakli hunarmandchilik."

3 umumiy sharhlar

Doimiy narx ₸4,900.00 KZT
Doimiy narx ₸20,500.00 KZT Sotuv narxi ₸4,900.00 KZT


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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Nicki Jempson

lovely, very pleased. I was a little sceptical about this as I thought it was too cheap, a little too good to be true! But actually I am more than impressed. This is a lovely product that is definitely worth every penny. I only received it today so not sure how well it will wash but it certainly seems as though it is good quality so hopefully it will withstand being washed.

Pauline Cushen

yes nice & cosy on my leather sofa, but if u need to cover a 3 seater couch & you want to took it in neatly than go for the 4 seater size. , lovely, very pleased


verey nice an comfey, verey nice an comfey, verey nice an comfey, verey nice an comfey, verey nice an comfey, love the really soft, love the really soft, love the really soft, love the really soft, love the really soft, love the really soft, love the really soft, love the really soft, love the really soft, love the really soft, love the really soft, love the really soft, love the really soft, looks great good fit, looks great good fit, looks great good fit, looks great good fit, looks great good fit, looks great good fit, looks great good fit, looks great good fit, looks great good fit, looks great good fit, looks great good fit, looks great good fit, looks great good fit, looks great good fit, looks great good fit, looks great good fit, looks great good fit, looks great good fit, looks great good fit, looks great good fit, looks great good fit, looks great good fit, looks great good fit, looks great good fit, looks great good fit, looks great good fit, lovely, very pleased, lovely, very pleased, lovely, very pleased, lovely, very pleased, lovely, very pleased, lovely, very pleased, lovely, very pleased, lovely, very pleased, lovely, very pleased, lovely, very pleased, lovely, very pleased, lovely, very pleased, lovely, very pleased, lovely, very pleased, lovely, very pleased, lovely, very pleased, lovely, very pleased, happy with purchase,, happy with purchase,, happy with purchase,, happy with purchase,, happy with purchase,, happy with purchase,, happy with purchase,, happy with purchase,, happy with purchase,, happy with purchase,, happy with purchase,, happy with purchase,, happy with purchase,, happy with purchase,, happy with purchase,, happy with purchase,, happy with purchase,, happy with purchase,, happy with purchase,, happy with purchase,, happy with purchase,, happy with purchase,, happy with purchase,, happy with purchase,, happy with purchase,, happy with purchase,, happy with purchase,, happy with purchase,, happy with purchase,, 5 stars recommended, 5 stars recommended, 5 stars recommended, 5 stars recommended, 5 stars recommended, 5 stars recommended, 5 stars recommended, 5 stars recommended, 5 stars recommended, 5 stars recommended, 5 stars recommended

To'liq ma'lumotlarni ko'rish
Amal ko'rsatmasi: Mashinada yuvish, qo'lda yuvish
Xususiyat: T-yostiq
Dizayn: O'tkazish
Mos keladigan divan turlari: Armchair, Loveseat, 3-o'rindiqli divan, 4-o'rindiqli divan, Sektsiyali divan
Yopilish turi: Boshqa yopilish turlari
Uslub: Art deco
Qoplama materiali: 100% polyester
Matоn kvadrat og'irligi: >500 g/㎡
Bosma turi: Bosma yo'q
Matоn turi: Plush
Hunarmandchilik: Kichik tikuv
Bezash: Yo'q
Item ID: 02628970
Ushbu hashamatli Honeycomb Velvet Sofa Slipcover sevimli Cartoon Dog Embroidery bilan bezatilgan bo'lib, bu uni uy hayvonlari uchun qulay va sirpanmaydigan divan qoplamasi qiladi. Uning qalin plush matosi sizning yotoqxonangiz, ofisingiz yoki yashash xonangiz dekoratsiyasi uchun eng yaxshi mebel himoyasini ta'minlaydi. Ushbu dekorativ hunarmandchilik bilan qulay uy aksessuarini yarating, bu sizning makoningizga uslub qo'shadi. Ofis divaningizni qoplash uchun mukammal, bu divan qoplamasi har qanday divan uchun uslubiy yangilanishga muhtoj bo'lgan zarur narsadir.

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