Lateks to'shak
Yotoqxona uchun punch-free o'rnatish va quyoshdan himoya qiluvchi qora pardalar.
Uy ko'p funksiyali blender
12 dona Sabun Gul Qutisi, tug'ilgan kunlar va ijodiy faoliyatlar uchun ideal
Lateks to'shak
Yotoqxona uchun punch-free o'rnatish va quyoshdan himoya qiluvchi qora pardalar.
Uy ko'p funksiyali blender
12 dona Sabun Gul Qutisi, tug'ilgan kunlar va ijodiy faoliyatlar uchun ideal
- Uy
- Eng yaxshi uy jihozlari
- Mustahkam va tozalash oson zanglamas po'latdan yasalgan muzqaymoq quvurlash uchlari to'plami - 10 dona tort bezak nozzle'lari, kekslar, pechene va qaymoq pufflari uchun - oziq-ovqat darajasida xavfsiz pishirish asboblari shirinliklar va shirinliklar uchun
Material: Paslanmaydigan po'lat
Item ID: 02201978
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sc***ra I love it! It produces beautiful patterns on cakes. I used to use plastic molds, but these are nicer and more practical.
v.***ko They are very, very good, I made beautiful meringues with them. It is really stainless, easy to clean, not vulnerable. No.1. quality.
cr***30 happy with this item, absolutely brilliantly , worth buying, love these, useful kitchen tools, useful kitchen tools, useful kitchen tools
sc***ra I love it! It produces beautiful patterns on cakes. I used to use plastic molds, but these are nicer and more practical.
v.***ko They are very, very good, I made beautiful meringues with them. It is really stainless, easy to clean, not vulnerable. No.1. quality.
cr***30 happy with this item, absolutely brilliantly , worth buying, love these, useful kitchen tools, useful kitchen tools, useful kitchen tools
sc***ra I love it! It produces beautiful patterns on cakes. I used to use plastic molds, but these are nicer and more practical.
v.***ko They are very, very good, I made beautiful meringues with them. It is really stainless, easy to clean, not vulnerable. No.1. quality.
cr***30 happy with this item, absolutely brilliantly , worth buying, love these, useful kitchen tools, useful kitchen tools, useful kitchen tools
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