Zacharyer Smartwatch is a versatile and stylish smart sports watch with a full touch screen. It allows you to answer and make calls, receive message reminders, and customize your dial wallpaper. This watch is suitable for both men and women and is
Suvga chidamlilik darajasi: Suv o'tkazmaydigan emas
Uslub: Sport
Harakat: Aqlli Soat
Haydash rejimi: Elektron
Xususiyat: Boshqa, Sana
Ko'rsatish turi: Raqamli
Simli mulk: simsiz
Quvvat rejimi: USB zaryadlash
Ishlash kuchlanishi: ≤36V
Batareya xususiyatlari: Qayta zaryadlanadigan batareya
Qayta zaryadlanadigan batareya: Lityum batareya-polimer
Item ID: 77195236
Ushbu ilova tibbiy qurilma sifatida tasniflanmaydi. Ushbu ilovani ishlatish jarayonida to'plangan ma'lumotlar faqat ma'lumot sifatida mo'ljallangan va klinik tashxis, tibbiy tadqiqotlar, diagnostik baholashlar yoki davolash ilovalari uchun foydalanilmasligi kerak.
Zacharyer Smartwatch is a versatile and stylish smart sports watch with a full touch screen. It allows you to answer and make calls, receive message reminders, and customize your dial wallpaper. This watch is suitable for both men and women and is