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The sleek black/gray durable waterproof microwave oven dust cover features a foldable design and is easy to clean. It includes a handle for added convenience and is compatible with most microwaves. This protective cover helps keep appliances clean by

The sleek black/gray durable waterproof microwave oven dust cover features a foldable design and is easy to clean. It includes a handle for added convenience and is compatible with most microwaves. This protective cover helps keep appliances clean by

Doimiy narx ₸6,700.00 KZT
Sotuv narxi ₸6,700.00 KZT


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To'liq ma'lumotlarni ko'rish
Item ID: 32391607
[Qulay dizayn] Yengil, birlashtirilgan chang qopqog'i dizayni, chang qopqog'ining tepasida tutqich bor, pastki qismi esa ochiq dizayndir. Foydalanilmayotganda egilib, saqlanishi mumkin, kamroq joy egallaydi. [Eng amaliy sovg'a] Ushbu mikroto'lqinli pechka chang qopqog'i mikroto'lqinli pechkani toza saqlaydi va hamma narsani tartibda va toza ushlab turadi. Siz mavjud oshxona rejangiz uchun eng yaxshi tanlovni osonlik bilan topishingiz mumkin. Onalar va do'stlar uchun eng yaxshi sovg'a, mikroto'lqinli pechkaingizga yangi ko'rinish berish. [Mikroto'lqinli pechingizni himoya qiling] Suv o'tkazmaydigan naylon chang qopqog'i mustahkam tikilgan Oksford matosidan tayyorlangan. Uni tozalash va parvarish qilish oson, va chang, yog', qahva, sut, oshxona bug'i, yog' tutuni va mushuk siydigi, to'kintilar, uy hayvonlari zararlanishidan himoya qilish uchun suv o'tkazmaydigan funksiyaga ega. Mikroto'lqinli pechingizni chang, to'kilishlar, chizishlar, suv va boshqa ifloslantiruvchilardan himoya qiling.
  waterproof microwave oven dust cover - sleek black/gray, foldable & easy-to-clean protective cover with handle, fit for most microwaves -   appliances clean  ,   & pet hair details 4
  waterproof microwave oven dust cover - sleek black/gray, foldable & easy-to-clean protective cover with handle, fit for most microwaves -   appliances clean  ,   & pet hair details 7
  waterproof microwave oven dust cover - sleek black/gray, foldable & easy-to-clean protective cover with handle, fit for most microwaves -   appliances clean  ,   & pet hair details 9

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