Stylish Y-Necklace with Baroque Freshwater Pearl Pendant, Adjustable Slider, French-Inspired Design, Perfect for Holiday Celebrations, Suitable for Banquets and Festivals, Versatile Addition to Your Seasonal Wardrobe, From the Middle East Collection.
Haqiqiy Barokko marvaridlar, noyob shakllar, notekis to'rtburchaklar va tabiiy shirin suv marvaridlari. Zanjirning uzunligi taxminan 70CM+5CM. Marvaridlar o'lchamda farq qiladi, kengligi taxminan 14-20mm va uzunligi 20-27mm.
Stylish Y-Necklace with Baroque Freshwater Pearl Pendant, Adjustable Slider, French-Inspired Design, Perfect for Holiday Celebrations, Suitable for Banquets and Festivals, Versatile Addition to Your Seasonal Wardrobe, From the Middle East Collection.