Set of three 925 sterling silver stud earrings with hip hop western style, featuring synthetic zirconia stones and representing the April birthstone. Perfect for Mardi Gras day theme and suitable for all-season wear, these earrings are ideal for banquet
Mosaic material: Sintetik Zirkon (sintetik Kubik Zirkoniya)
Asosiy material: 925 Kumush
Quloq ignasi materiali: 925 Sterling Silver
Tug'ilgan tosh: Aprel-tug'ilgan toshlar
Plitka: Boshqalar
Mavzu: Bayram
Uslub: Hip Hop, G'arbiy
Tadbir: Banket tadbiri, Sport tadbiri
Seasoon: Barchasi mos
Ta'til: Mardi Gras kuni
Item ID: 86454385
【Brand】: AIDE
【Manba】: Fabrikadan to'g'ridan-to'g'ri
【Asosiy tosh】: Zircon toshi
【Material】: 925 Kumush
【Xususiyat】: Yuqori sifatli zargarlik buyumlari
【Tadbirlar】: Bayram, To'y, Hediye, Muqaddas voqea
Set of three 925 sterling silver stud earrings with hip hop western style, featuring synthetic zirconia stones and representing the April birthstone. Perfect for Mardi Gras day theme and suitable for all-season wear, these earrings are ideal for banquet