Mahsulot ma'lumotlariga o'tish
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4 ta qayta ishlatiladigan pechka qopqog'i to'plami - olovga chidamli emas, lekin issiqqa chidamli va yog'ga chidamli, ko'p qatlamli dizayni bilan oson tozalanadigan gaz pechka himoyachilari, elektr talab qilinmaydi.

4 ta qayta ishlatiladigan pechka qopqog'i to'plami - olovga chidamli emas, lekin issiqqa chidamli va yog'ga chidamli, ko'p qatlamli dizayni bilan oson tozalanadigan gaz pechka himoyachilari, elektr talab qilinmaydi.

3 umumiy sharhlar

Doimiy narx ₸2,400.00 KZT
Doimiy narx ₸7,100.00 KZT Sotuv narxi ₸2,400.00 KZT


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To'liq ma'lumotlarni ko'rish
Material: Ko'p qatlamli
Quvvat manbai: Elektr energiyasiz foydalaning
Item ID: 94877171
O'lchovlar haqida o'rganing
4pcs reusable stovetop burner covers non fireproof heat resistant oil proof   easy to   stove protectors multi layer design no electricity needed details 0
4pcs reusable stovetop burner covers non fireproof heat resistant oil proof   easy to   stove protectors multi layer design no electricity needed details 1
4pcs reusable stovetop burner covers non fireproof heat resistant oil proof   easy to   stove protectors multi layer design no electricity needed details 2
4pcs reusable stovetop burner covers non fireproof heat resistant oil proof   easy to   stove protectors multi layer design no electricity needed details 3
4pcs reusable stovetop burner covers non fireproof heat resistant oil proof   easy to   stove protectors multi layer design no electricity needed details 4
4pcs reusable stovetop burner covers non fireproof heat resistant oil proof   easy to   stove protectors multi layer design no electricity needed details 5
4pcs reusable stovetop burner covers non fireproof heat resistant oil proof   easy to   stove protectors multi layer design no electricity needed details 6
4pcs reusable stovetop burner covers non fireproof heat resistant oil proof   easy to   stove protectors multi layer design no electricity needed details 7
4pcs reusable stovetop burner covers non fireproof heat resistant oil proof   easy to   stove protectors multi layer design no electricity needed details 8
4pcs reusable stovetop burner covers non fireproof heat resistant oil proof   easy to   stove protectors multi layer design no electricity needed details 9
4pcs reusable stovetop burner covers non fireproof heat resistant oil proof   easy to   stove protectors multi layer design no electricity needed details 10
4pcs reusable stovetop burner covers non fireproof heat resistant oil proof   easy to   stove protectors multi layer design no electricity needed details 11

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