A set of 2 kitchen towels measuring 45.72 x 66.04 cm each, featuring a festive Christmas party decoration design. These towels are reusable and perfect for holiday gift-giving. The design includes Merry Christmas text, gingerbread men, and candy cane
Qo'l sochiqlari oshxonada, hammomda, to'ldiruvchi xonada, stol ustida yoki siz xohlagan har qanday joyda foydali. Ushbu sochiqlar mustahkam va turli ranglarda mavjud bo'lib, uy bezatish uchun arzon tanlovni taqdim etadi.
A set of 2 kitchen towels measuring 45.72 x 66.04 cm each, featuring a festive Christmas party decoration design. These towels are reusable and perfect for holiday gift-giving. The design includes Merry Christmas text, gingerbread men, and candy cane