Kolleksiya: Mahsulotlar
Gravitatsiya kuchi.
5.0 / 5.0
(3) 3 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx Dan ₸700.00 KZTDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha₸1,800.00 KZTSotuv narxi Dan ₸700.00 KZT -
Mebelni tiklash to'plami: Yog'och mebellarni tiklash, ta'mirlash va go'zallashtirish
5.0 / 5.0
(3) 3 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx ₸4,100.00 KZTDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha₸9,400.00 KZTSotuv narxi ₸4,100.00 KZT -
The GAIATOP Double Sided Heated Hand Warmer is a convenient and portable option for staying warm on the go. With its compact design and rechargeable battery, this hand warmer is perfect for shopping, travel, and parties. The 2000mAh lithium battery
5.0 / 5.0
(3) 3 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx ₸5,600.00 KZTDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha₸24,700.00 KZTSotuv narxi ₸5,600.00 KZT -
GAIATOP isitgichi tez isitadigan, energiya tejovchi ichki makon isitgichi bo'lib, to'kilish va ortiqcha isitishdan himoya qilish xususiyatlariga ega, ofisda, uyda yoki yotoqda foydalanish uchun mukammaldir.
5.0 / 5.0
(4) 4 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx ₸14,100.00 KZTDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha₸57,100.00 KZTSotuv narxi ₸14,100.00 KZT -
The GAIATOP USB Rechargeable Hand Warmer is a portable device that provides quick, 3-second heat. It features a built-in lithium battery and a compact, palm-fitting design. This hand warmer is perfect for use at home or outdoors and offers multiple
Doimiy narx ₸5,300.00 KZTDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha₸21,400.00 KZTSotuv narxi ₸5,300.00 KZT -
USB-грелка для рук GAIATOP обеспечивает быстрый нагрев всего за 2,5 часа с 3-уровневой регулировкой нагрева. Ее портативный карманный дизайн делает ее идеальной для дома, активного отдыха, верховой езды и скалолазания. Изготовлена из алюминия и
5.0 / 5.0
(3) 3 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx ₸12,400.00 KZTDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha₸36,400.00 KZTSotuv narxi ₸12,400.00 KZT -
The Gatphy Stainless Steel Skillet features a nonstick honeycomb coating and a detachable handle. It is induction compatible, dishwasher safe, and made with multi-ply material. This skillet is suitable for use on gas stoves, induction cookers, ceramic
5.0 / 5.0
(3) 3 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx ₸15,000.00 KZTDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha₸42,400.00 KZTSotuv narxi ₸15,000.00 KZT -
The Geometric Pattern Fireplace Mantle Scarf is a versatile decorative piece that can be used as a cape, flag, or table runner for the winter holidays. Made of polyester, this scarf does not require any power and is perfect for adding a festive touch to
Doimiy narx ₸4,100.00 KZTDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha₸10,200.00 KZTSotuv narxi ₸4,100.00 KZT -
The Goard Portable USB Desk Fan is a convenient and versatile cooling solution. This 6.5-inch foldable tabletop fan features a 180° adjustable stand, 5-speed settings, a painted plastic finish, and button control for easy operation. Perfect for both
5.0 / 5.0
(4) 4 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx ₸5,700.00 KZTDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha₸12,500.00 KZTSotuv narxi ₸5,700.00 KZT -
Goard Ultra-Quiet Portativ Stol Ventilyatori 180° aylanish, 5 tezlikda sozlanadigan shamol rejimlari, USB orqali zaryadlanadigan batareya, quvvat ko'rsatkichi - uyda, ofisda, sayohatda va ochiq havoda foydalanish uchun ideal.
5.0 / 5.0
(4) 4 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx Dan ₸4,300.00 KZTDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha₸7,600.00 KZTSotuv narxi Dan ₸4,300.00 KZT -
Oltin burama pardani bog'lash uchun bog'ich nozik kiyik va marvarid naqshiga ega.
5.0 / 5.0
(3) 3 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx Dan ₸600.00 KZTDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha₸2,100.00 KZTSotuv narxi Dan ₸600.00 KZT -
Oltin Fantaziya Rangli Qaychi - bu bir nechta ranglarda mavjud bo'lgan ko'p funksiyali oshxona asbobi. Oson ishlash uchun o'lchov bilan, bu qaychi sirtlarni osonlik bilan qirqadi.
5.0 / 5.0
(3) 3 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx Dan ₸2,100.00 KZTDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha₸6,200.00 KZTSotuv narxi Dan ₸2,100.00 KZT -
The Gravity Pressure Neck Massager features a unique C-shaped curve design with a neck bulge, made from lightweight EVA non-woven material. Measuring 21.01*16.0cm, this massager is equipped with 15 bulging massage points for precise targeting of neck
4.75 / 5.0
(4) 4 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx ₸2,200.00 KZTDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha₸7,700.00 KZTSotuv narxi ₸2,200.00 KZT -
The GRINDER Professional Electric Knife Sharpener is equipped with a 3-Stage Diamond & Ceramic Sharpening System and Precision Angle Guide for use in both kitchens and restaurants. This plug-in sharpener features a fine grit for optimal results and is
5.0 / 5.0
(4) 4 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx ₸31,700.00 KZTDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha₸121,900.00 KZTSotuv narxi ₸31,700.00 KZT -
The GUIJZSLTRG Portable Folding Ironing Mat is designed for convenience and efficiency. This mat is heat resistant up to 392°F, waterproof, and anti-scratch, making it perfect for all your ironing needs. It also features an over-the-door hanging option
Doimiy narx Dan ₸2,800.00 KZTDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha₸6,400.00 KZTSotuv narxi Dan ₸2,800.00 KZT -
The Halloween-themed White 7 Piece Cookware Set includes high-quality non-stick frying pan perfect for frying, stir-frying, and boiling. Suitable for multiple cooking methods, the set is easy to clean and ensures food heats evenly.
5.0 / 5.0
(2) 2 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx ₸21,000.00 KZTDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha₸55,300.00 KZTSotuv narxi ₸21,000.00 KZT -
"Моп с ручным отжимом из прочного пластикового материала позволяет вращаться на 360° и подходит для влажного и сухого использования. Идеален для гостиной, этот плоский губчатый моп из хлопка не требует электричества."
Doimiy narx ₸11,500.00 KZTDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha₸24,700.00 KZTSotuv narxi ₸11,500.00 KZT -
Qo'l mehnati bilan tayyorlangan vaza juftliklarning quchoqlashayotgan noyob manzarasini o'z ichiga oladi, ikkita alohida vaza va san'at asari sifatida ikki marta ishlatiladigan bo'sh o'rtaga ega bo'lib, qayerda joylashtirilsa ham zamonaviy muhit yaratadi.
5.0 / 5.0
(3) 3 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx ₸8,200.00 KZTDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha₸16,700.00 KZTSotuv narxi ₸8,200.00 KZT -
Портативный паровой утюг PANCERKA мощностью 1500 Вт быстро нагревается, имеет большой водяной бак и автоматическое отключение. С возможностью непрерывной подачи пара и прочной металлической и пластиковой конструкцией, этот утюг эффективно удаляет
5.0 / 5.0
(3) 3 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx ₸13,500.00 KZTDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha₸38,500.00 KZTSotuv narxi ₸13,500.00 KZT -
The handheld wireless garlic grinder is a mini electric food chopper with a 250ml capacity. It is portable and rechargeable via USB, made of plastic and suitable for blending fruits, vegetables, onions, nuts, and meat. The chopper operates automatically
5.0 / 5.0
(3) 3 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx Dan ₸3,500.00 KZTDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha₸18,800.00 KZTSotuv narxi Dan ₸3,500.00 KZT -
The Hands-Free Spin Mop and Bucket System comes with 1 set and includes 2 reusable pads. This efficient rotating floor cleaner is perfect for both dry and wet use, making it an ideal cleaning tool for the living room, home, kitchen, and bathroom.
5.0 / 5.0
(4) 4 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx ₸18,200.00 KZTDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha₸26,300.00 KZTSotuv narxi ₸18,200.00 KZT -
The Hands-Free Wash Flat Mop Set is a versatile cleaning tool with 2 reusable pads. It has a durable, long handle that makes it easy to clean tile, hardwood floors, and more. Ideal for use in the kitchen, bathroom, and living room.
Doimiy narx Dan ₸10,300.00 KZTDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha₸17,500.00 KZTSotuv narxi Dan ₸10,300.00 KZT -
HausRoland 3.5L zanglamas po'latdan yasalgan chaynak, pechda foydalanish uchun mukammaldir. Ushbu katta sig'imli chaynak, sovuq tutqichli ergonomik tutqichga ega va induktsion pechlar bilan mos keladi. Elektr energiyasi talab qilinmaydi.
Doimiy narx Dan ₸18,400.00 KZTDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha₸86,000.00 KZTSotuv narxi Dan ₸18,400.00 KZT -
Hausroland zanglamas po'latdan yasalgan chime chayi, ijodiy dizayni bilan 3L sig'imga ega gaz ochiq olovli uy chayi.
5.0 / 5.0
(3) 3 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx ₸16,100.00 KZTDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha₸43,700.00 KZTSotuv narxi ₸16,100.00 KZT