Nucleation Laundry Pods: 20 Pods for Soft and Comfortable Clothing. Removes Tough Stains and Odors, providing Powerful Washing Action. Leaves Clothes Fresh and Clean with Long-lasting Freshness and a Romantic Paris fragrance. Suitable for all Washing
Nylon Mop O'rnatuvchi Padlar To'plami 5 ta - Tozalashda Juda Samarali, Tekis Dizayn Pol va Derazalar uchun Ideal, Aylanadigan Qo'l Boshqaruvsiz Chelaklar bilan Ishlaydi
Nylon Portativ Qurol Tozalash To'plami - Zipli Saqlash Qutisi bilan - Qopqoq Cho'tkasi Qoplamalari, Himoya Qattiq Qopqoq, Tushish va Bosimga Qarshi Xususiyatlar - Qurolni Saqlash va Tozalash Uchun Ideal
Bir 20 dyuymli Sehrli Mopa, tortiladigan silikon qirqish bilan - Hammom, Oshxona va Yashash xonasi uchun mukammal, mustahkam metall qurilish.
Bir kapalak shaklidagi mopu, 1 mikroto'qima pad va 2 qayta ishlatiladigan mop matosi bilan, mehmonxona/tijorat muhitlarida nam va quruq tozalash uchun 360° tekis mop.
Bir tozalash to'plami: Qisqa tutqich, ko'p funksiyali oshxona tozalash cho'tkasi. Idishlarni yuvish, qozonlar, idishlar, oshxona lavabosi, ish stollari va boshqalar uchun mustahkam tozalash uchun ideal. Zarur tozalash materiallari va asbob.
One complete set includes a hands-free wash flat mop and bucket with two mop pad sets. The flexible rotating flat floor mop makes cleaning effortless. The water scraping bucket allows for both wet and dry use on all floor types. Perfect for all your
Bir toza uskunalar to'plami, 80 sm balandlikdagi supurgi va uzun tutqichli axlat qutisini o'z ichiga oladi. Yaratilgan axlat qutisi oson tozalash uchun taroq tishlariga ega. Uylar, ofislar, maktablar, yotoqxonalarda va maktabga qaytish uchun mukammal.
One household cleaning set including a mop and bucket set, with two replaceable microfiber pads. This hands-free mop has a flexible rotating flat head for both dry and wet use. The set also includes a water scraper bucket, making it easy to clean.
Bir ko'p funksiyali konditsioner shatiri cho'tkasi, eshik bo'laklari va qiyin erishiladigan burchaklar uchun mo'ljallangan, ajratiladigan va yuviladigan tozalash klipi.
Bir yoki ikki dona gubka, tozalashda muammosiz, oshxona va hammomni porloq saqlash uchun mukammal. Shisha, devorlar, hojatxonalar, keramika va boshqa turli yuzalar uchun ideal. Ushbu elektrsiz, qayta ishlatiladigan gubka barcha yuzalar uchun yumshoqdir.
One or two portable wet wipes for men and women, can be flushed and are biodegradable. They are gentle on skin and have a space-saving design for travel, home, camping, and outdoor use. These dye-free wipes are single sheets.
One pack of durable and soft reusable kitchen towels in vibrant space-themed colors. These super absorbent microfiber cleaning cloths are hand wash only and have a knit weave design. The rectangular cotton dishcloth set comes in a pack of one.
One pack of Electrostatic Telescoping Duster with Bendable Head features a metal handle and a horsehair brush, perfect for cleaning ceiling fans, high ceilings, furniture, and cars. This multipurpose dusting tool does not require batteries.
One pack of Microfiber Feather Duster with Extendable Pole, Flexible, and Washable Dust Brush, ideal for cleaning ceiling fans, furniture, and cars. Features a Metal Handle and Resin Head, requiring no electricity or batteries for home and office use.
Bir to'plam mikroto'qima qush patlari: Uy, ofis va avtomobil uchun moslashuvchan, yuviladigan va elektrsiz tozalash vositasi - Ko'p maqsadli chang yig'uvchi
One pack of outdoor and floor wire brush with long handle, made of stainless steel measuring 179.83 cm in length. Designed at a 45° angle for efficient surface cleaning without the need for electricity. Perfect for removing deck, garage, patio, and
Bir to'plam qayta ishlatiladigan mikroto'qima mopp padlari Swiffer Sweeper uchun mos keladi - quruq va nam tozalash uchun yuviladigan mato to'ldiruvchilar. Batareyalar talab qilinmaydi, yashash xonasi, hammom va mebel tozalash uchun mukammal.
Одна пара прочных, многоразовых резинок для мытья посуды, изготовленных из водонепроницаемого ПВХ-материала, который не содержит свинца. Идеально подходит для использования на кухне, в духовке, для уборки за питомцами, в ванной, туалете и на улице.
Bir juft uzun qo'lqop, idish yuvish uchun, oshxona, pech va uy hayvonlarini tozalashda qayta ishlatiladigan.
Bir juft suv o'tkazmaydigan silikon idish yuvish qo'lqoplari oshxona, hammom va yotoqxona uchun - issiqqa chidamli, sirpanmaydigan ushlash, alkogolsiz
One piece 3-in-1 glass wiper featuring a scraper and sprayer. This versatile handheld tool can be used for cleaning windows, showers, tiles, car windshields, mirrors, and bathrooms. Perfect for spraying, washing, and scraping surfaces. The ultimate
One Piece Double-Sided Magnetic Window Cleaner made from ABS Material, a Multi-Function Glass Wiper with Built-in Water Storage, Safety Feature to Prevent Pinching, Suitable for Use in Living Room, Bathroom, Kitchen - Backed by 16-Year Factory Support
Одноразовый ролик для удаления ворса EasyClean с длинной ручкой - без батареек, липкий очиститель пыли для различных домашних зон - идеально подходит для полов и поверхностей, удаляет волосы и пыль из гостиной, спальни, одежды, кухни и ванной.
Mening xohishlarim
Ваша корзина
Nucleation Laundry Pods: 20 Pods for Soft and Comfortable Clothing. Removes Tough Stains and Odors, providing Powerful Washing Action. Leaves Clothes Fresh and Clean with Long-lasting Freshness and a Romantic Paris fragrance. Suitable for all Washing
Nylon Mop O'rnatuvchi Padlar To'plami 5 ta - Tozalashda Juda Samarali, Tekis Dizayn Pol va Derazalar uchun Ideal, Aylanadigan Qo'l Boshqaruvsiz Chelaklar bilan Ishlaydi
Nylon Portativ Qurol Tozalash To'plami - Zipli Saqlash Qutisi bilan - Qopqoq Cho'tkasi Qoplamalari, Himoya Qattiq Qopqoq, Tushish va Bosimga Qarshi Xususiyatlar - Qurolni Saqlash va Tozalash Uchun Ideal
Bir 20 dyuymli Sehrli Mopa, tortiladigan silikon qirqish bilan - Hammom, Oshxona va Yashash xonasi uchun mukammal, mustahkam metall qurilish.
Bir kapalak shaklidagi mopu, 1 mikroto'qima pad va 2 qayta ishlatiladigan mop matosi bilan, mehmonxona/tijorat muhitlarida nam va quruq tozalash uchun 360° tekis mop.
Bir tozalash to'plami: Qisqa tutqich, ko'p funksiyali oshxona tozalash cho'tkasi. Idishlarni yuvish, qozonlar, idishlar, oshxona lavabosi, ish stollari va boshqalar uchun mustahkam tozalash uchun ideal. Zarur tozalash materiallari va asbob.
One complete set includes a hands-free wash flat mop and bucket with two mop pad sets. The flexible rotating flat floor mop makes cleaning effortless. The water scraping bucket allows for both wet and dry use on all floor types. Perfect for all your
Bir toza uskunalar to'plami, 80 sm balandlikdagi supurgi va uzun tutqichli axlat qutisini o'z ichiga oladi. Yaratilgan axlat qutisi oson tozalash uchun taroq tishlariga ega. Uylar, ofislar, maktablar, yotoqxonalarda va maktabga qaytish uchun mukammal.
One household cleaning set including a mop and bucket set, with two replaceable microfiber pads. This hands-free mop has a flexible rotating flat head for both dry and wet use. The set also includes a water scraper bucket, making it easy to clean.
Bir ko'p funksiyali konditsioner shatiri cho'tkasi, eshik bo'laklari va qiyin erishiladigan burchaklar uchun mo'ljallangan, ajratiladigan va yuviladigan tozalash klipi.
Bir yoki ikki dona gubka, tozalashda muammosiz, oshxona va hammomni porloq saqlash uchun mukammal. Shisha, devorlar, hojatxonalar, keramika va boshqa turli yuzalar uchun ideal. Ushbu elektrsiz, qayta ishlatiladigan gubka barcha yuzalar uchun yumshoqdir.
One or two portable wet wipes for men and women, can be flushed and are biodegradable. They are gentle on skin and have a space-saving design for travel, home, camping, and outdoor use. These dye-free wipes are single sheets.
One pack of durable and soft reusable kitchen towels in vibrant space-themed colors. These super absorbent microfiber cleaning cloths are hand wash only and have a knit weave design. The rectangular cotton dishcloth set comes in a pack of one.
One pack of Electrostatic Telescoping Duster with Bendable Head features a metal handle and a horsehair brush, perfect for cleaning ceiling fans, high ceilings, furniture, and cars. This multipurpose dusting tool does not require batteries.
One pack of Microfiber Feather Duster with Extendable Pole, Flexible, and Washable Dust Brush, ideal for cleaning ceiling fans, furniture, and cars. Features a Metal Handle and Resin Head, requiring no electricity or batteries for home and office use.
Bir to'plam mikroto'qima qush patlari: Uy, ofis va avtomobil uchun moslashuvchan, yuviladigan va elektrsiz tozalash vositasi - Ko'p maqsadli chang yig'uvchi
One pack of outdoor and floor wire brush with long handle, made of stainless steel measuring 179.83 cm in length. Designed at a 45° angle for efficient surface cleaning without the need for electricity. Perfect for removing deck, garage, patio, and
Bir to'plam qayta ishlatiladigan mikroto'qima mopp padlari Swiffer Sweeper uchun mos keladi - quruq va nam tozalash uchun yuviladigan mato to'ldiruvchilar. Batareyalar talab qilinmaydi, yashash xonasi, hammom va mebel tozalash uchun mukammal.
Одна пара прочных, многоразовых резинок для мытья посуды, изготовленных из водонепроницаемого ПВХ-материала, который не содержит свинца. Идеально подходит для использования на кухне, в духовке, для уборки за питомцами, в ванной, туалете и на улице.
Bir juft uzun qo'lqop, idish yuvish uchun, oshxona, pech va uy hayvonlarini tozalashda qayta ishlatiladigan.
Bir juft suv o'tkazmaydigan silikon idish yuvish qo'lqoplari oshxona, hammom va yotoqxona uchun - issiqqa chidamli, sirpanmaydigan ushlash, alkogolsiz
One piece 3-in-1 glass wiper featuring a scraper and sprayer. This versatile handheld tool can be used for cleaning windows, showers, tiles, car windshields, mirrors, and bathrooms. Perfect for spraying, washing, and scraping surfaces. The ultimate
One Piece Double-Sided Magnetic Window Cleaner made from ABS Material, a Multi-Function Glass Wiper with Built-in Water Storage, Safety Feature to Prevent Pinching, Suitable for Use in Living Room, Bathroom, Kitchen - Backed by 16-Year Factory Support
Одноразовый ролик для удаления ворса EasyClean с длинной ручкой - без батареек, липкий очиститель пыли для различных домашних зон - идеально подходит для полов и поверхностей, удаляет волосы и пыль из гостиной, спальни, одежды, кухни и ванной.
Cleaning Supplies
2983 79490 mahsulotdan
Tartiblash bo'yicha:
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Eng ko'p sotiladigan
Alifbo bo'yicha, A-Z
Alifbo bo'yicha, Z-A
Narx, pastdan yuqoriga
Narx, yuqoridan pastga
Sana, eskiyidan yangisiga
Sana, yangi dan eski
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Nucleation Laundry Pods: 20 Pods for Soft and Comfortable Clothing. Removes Tough Stains and Odors, providing Powerful Washing Action. Leaves Clothes Fresh and Clean with Long-lasting Freshness and a Romantic Paris fragrance. Suitable for all Washing
1 review
Nucleation Laundry Pods: 20 Pods for Soft and Comfortable Clothing. Removes Tough Stains and Odors, providing Powerful Washing Action. Leaves Clothes Fresh and Clean with Long-lasting Freshness and a Romantic Paris fragrance. Suitable for all Washing
1 review
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Nylon Mop O'rnatuvchi Padlar To'plami 5 ta - Tozalashda Juda Samarali, Tekis Dizayn Pol va Derazalar uchun Ideal, Aylanadigan Qo'l Boshqaruvsiz Chelaklar bilan Ishlaydi
4 reviews
Nylon Mop O'rnatuvchi Padlar To'plami 5 ta - Tozalashda Juda Samarali, Tekis Dizayn Pol va Derazalar uchun Ideal, Aylanadigan Qo'l Boshqaruvsiz Chelaklar bilan Ishlaydi
4 reviews
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Nylon Portativ Qurol Tozalash To'plami - Zipli Saqlash Qutisi bilan - Qopqoq Cho'tkasi Qoplamalari, Himoya Qattiq Qopqoq, Tushish va Bosimga Qarshi Xususiyatlar - Qurolni Saqlash va Tozalash Uchun Ideal
4 reviews
Nylon Portativ Qurol Tozalash To'plami - Zipli Saqlash Qutisi bilan - Qopqoq Cho'tkasi Qoplamalari, Himoya Qattiq Qopqoq, Tushish va Bosimga Qarshi Xususiyatlar - Qurolni Saqlash va Tozalash Uchun Ideal
4 reviews
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Bir 20 dyuymli Sehrli Mopa, tortiladigan silikon qirqish bilan - Hammom, Oshxona va Yashash xonasi uchun mukammal, mustahkam metall qurilish.
3 reviews
Bir 20 dyuymli Sehrli Mopa, tortiladigan silikon qirqish bilan - Hammom, Oshxona va Yashash xonasi uchun mukammal, mustahkam metall qurilish.
3 reviews
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Bir kapalak shaklidagi mopu, 1 mikroto'qima pad va 2 qayta ishlatiladigan mop matosi bilan, mehmonxona/tijorat muhitlarida nam va quruq tozalash uchun 360° tekis mop.
4 reviews
Bir kapalak shaklidagi mopu, 1 mikroto'qima pad va 2 qayta ishlatiladigan mop matosi bilan, mehmonxona/tijorat muhitlarida nam va quruq tozalash uchun 360° tekis mop.
4 reviews
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Bir tozalash to'plami: Qisqa tutqich, ko'p funksiyali oshxona tozalash cho'tkasi. Idishlarni yuvish, qozonlar, idishlar, oshxona lavabosi, ish stollari va boshqalar uchun mustahkam tozalash uchun ideal. Zarur tozalash materiallari va asbob.
Bir tozalash to'plami: Qisqa tutqich, ko'p funksiyali oshxona tozalash cho'tkasi. Idishlarni yuvish, qozonlar, idishlar, oshxona lavabosi, ish stollari va boshqalar uchun mustahkam tozalash uchun ideal. Zarur tozalash materiallari va asbob.
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
One complete set includes a hands-free wash flat mop and bucket with two mop pad sets. The flexible rotating flat floor mop makes cleaning effortless. The water scraping bucket allows for both wet and dry use on all floor types. Perfect for all your
4 reviews
One complete set includes a hands-free wash flat mop and bucket with two mop pad sets. The flexible rotating flat floor mop makes cleaning effortless. The water scraping bucket allows for both wet and dry use on all floor types. Perfect for all your
4 reviews
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Bir toza uskunalar to'plami, 80 sm balandlikdagi supurgi va uzun tutqichli axlat qutisini o'z ichiga oladi. Yaratilgan axlat qutisi oson tozalash uchun taroq tishlariga ega. Uylar, ofislar, maktablar, yotoqxonalarda va maktabga qaytish uchun mukammal.
Bir toza uskunalar to'plami, 80 sm balandlikdagi supurgi va uzun tutqichli axlat qutisini o'z ichiga oladi. Yaratilgan axlat qutisi oson tozalash uchun taroq tishlariga ega. Uylar, ofislar, maktablar, yotoqxonalarda va maktabga qaytish uchun mukammal.
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
One household cleaning set including a mop and bucket set, with two replaceable microfiber pads. This hands-free mop has a flexible rotating flat head for both dry and wet use. The set also includes a water scraper bucket, making it easy to clean.
3 reviews
One household cleaning set including a mop and bucket set, with two replaceable microfiber pads. This hands-free mop has a flexible rotating flat head for both dry and wet use. The set also includes a water scraper bucket, making it easy to clean.
3 reviews
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Bir ko'p funksiyali konditsioner shatiri cho'tkasi, eshik bo'laklari va qiyin erishiladigan burchaklar uchun mo'ljallangan, ajratiladigan va yuviladigan tozalash klipi.
4 reviews
Bir ko'p funksiyali konditsioner shatiri cho'tkasi, eshik bo'laklari va qiyin erishiladigan burchaklar uchun mo'ljallangan, ajratiladigan va yuviladigan tozalash klipi.
4 reviews
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Bir yoki ikki dona gubka, tozalashda muammosiz, oshxona va hammomni porloq saqlash uchun mukammal. Shisha, devorlar, hojatxonalar, keramika va boshqa turli yuzalar uchun ideal. Ushbu elektrsiz, qayta ishlatiladigan gubka barcha yuzalar uchun yumshoqdir.
3 reviews
₸1,500.00 – ₸2,600.00
Bir yoki ikki dona gubka, tozalashda muammosiz, oshxona va hammomni porloq saqlash uchun mukammal. Shisha, devorlar, hojatxonalar, keramika va boshqa turli yuzalar uchun ideal. Ushbu elektrsiz, qayta ishlatiladigan gubka barcha yuzalar uchun yumshoqdir.
3 reviews
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
One or two portable wet wipes for men and women, can be flushed and are biodegradable. They are gentle on skin and have a space-saving design for travel, home, camping, and outdoor use. These dye-free wipes are single sheets.
₸2,100.00 – ₸3,600.00
One or two portable wet wipes for men and women, can be flushed and are biodegradable. They are gentle on skin and have a space-saving design for travel, home, camping, and outdoor use. These dye-free wipes are single sheets.
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
One pack of durable and soft reusable kitchen towels in vibrant space-themed colors. These super absorbent microfiber cleaning cloths are hand wash only and have a knit weave design. The rectangular cotton dishcloth set comes in a pack of one.
One pack of durable and soft reusable kitchen towels in vibrant space-themed colors. These super absorbent microfiber cleaning cloths are hand wash only and have a knit weave design. The rectangular cotton dishcloth set comes in a pack of one.
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
One pack of Electrostatic Telescoping Duster with Bendable Head features a metal handle and a horsehair brush, perfect for cleaning ceiling fans, high ceilings, furniture, and cars. This multipurpose dusting tool does not require batteries.
4 reviews
One pack of Electrostatic Telescoping Duster with Bendable Head features a metal handle and a horsehair brush, perfect for cleaning ceiling fans, high ceilings, furniture, and cars. This multipurpose dusting tool does not require batteries.
4 reviews
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
One pack of Microfiber Feather Duster with Extendable Pole, Flexible, and Washable Dust Brush, ideal for cleaning ceiling fans, furniture, and cars. Features a Metal Handle and Resin Head, requiring no electricity or batteries for home and office use.
4 reviews
One pack of Microfiber Feather Duster with Extendable Pole, Flexible, and Washable Dust Brush, ideal for cleaning ceiling fans, furniture, and cars. Features a Metal Handle and Resin Head, requiring no electricity or batteries for home and office use.
4 reviews
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Bir to'plam mikroto'qima qush patlari: Uy, ofis va avtomobil uchun moslashuvchan, yuviladigan va elektrsiz tozalash vositasi - Ko'p maqsadli chang yig'uvchi
4 reviews
Bir to'plam mikroto'qima qush patlari: Uy, ofis va avtomobil uchun moslashuvchan, yuviladigan va elektrsiz tozalash vositasi - Ko'p maqsadli chang yig'uvchi
4 reviews
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
One pack of outdoor and floor wire brush with long handle, made of stainless steel measuring 179.83 cm in length. Designed at a 45° angle for efficient surface cleaning without the need for electricity. Perfect for removing deck, garage, patio, and
₸10,000.00 – ₸13,200.00
One pack of outdoor and floor wire brush with long handle, made of stainless steel measuring 179.83 cm in length. Designed at a 45° angle for efficient surface cleaning without the need for electricity. Perfect for removing deck, garage, patio, and
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Bir to'plam qayta ishlatiladigan mikroto'qima mopp padlari Swiffer Sweeper uchun mos keladi - quruq va nam tozalash uchun yuviladigan mato to'ldiruvchilar. Batareyalar talab qilinmaydi, yashash xonasi, hammom va mebel tozalash uchun mukammal.
3 reviews
Bir to'plam qayta ishlatiladigan mikroto'qima mopp padlari Swiffer Sweeper uchun mos keladi - quruq va nam tozalash uchun yuviladigan mato to'ldiruvchilar. Batareyalar talab qilinmaydi, yashash xonasi, hammom va mebel tozalash uchun mukammal.
3 reviews
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Одна пара прочных, многоразовых резинок для мытья посуды, изготовленных из водонепроницаемого ПВХ-материала, который не содержит свинца. Идеально подходит для использования на кухне, в духовке, для уборки за питомцами, в ванной, туалете и на улице.
3 reviews
₸1,700.00 – ₸2,000.00
Одна пара прочных, многоразовых резинок для мытья посуды, изготовленных из водонепроницаемого ПВХ-материала, который не содержит свинца. Идеально подходит для использования на кухне, в духовке, для уборки за питомцами, в ванной, туалете и на улице.
3 reviews
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Bir juft uzun qo'lqop, idish yuvish uchun, oshxona, pech va uy hayvonlarini tozalashda qayta ishlatiladigan.
4 reviews
₸1,500.00 – ₸1,800.00
Bir juft uzun qo'lqop, idish yuvish uchun, oshxona, pech va uy hayvonlarini tozalashda qayta ishlatiladigan.
4 reviews
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Bir juft suv o'tkazmaydigan silikon idish yuvish qo'lqoplari oshxona, hammom va yotoqxona uchun - issiqqa chidamli, sirpanmaydigan ushlash, alkogolsiz
3 reviews
Bir juft suv o'tkazmaydigan silikon idish yuvish qo'lqoplari oshxona, hammom va yotoqxona uchun - issiqqa chidamli, sirpanmaydigan ushlash, alkogolsiz
3 reviews
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
One piece 3-in-1 glass wiper featuring a scraper and sprayer. This versatile handheld tool can be used for cleaning windows, showers, tiles, car windshields, mirrors, and bathrooms. Perfect for spraying, washing, and scraping surfaces. The ultimate
4 reviews
₸900.00 – ₸1,500.00
One piece 3-in-1 glass wiper featuring a scraper and sprayer. This versatile handheld tool can be used for cleaning windows, showers, tiles, car windshields, mirrors, and bathrooms. Perfect for spraying, washing, and scraping surfaces. The ultimate
4 reviews
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
One Piece Double-Sided Magnetic Window Cleaner made from ABS Material, a Multi-Function Glass Wiper with Built-in Water Storage, Safety Feature to Prevent Pinching, Suitable for Use in Living Room, Bathroom, Kitchen - Backed by 16-Year Factory Support
3 reviews
One Piece Double-Sided Magnetic Window Cleaner made from ABS Material, a Multi-Function Glass Wiper with Built-in Water Storage, Safety Feature to Prevent Pinching, Suitable for Use in Living Room, Bathroom, Kitchen - Backed by 16-Year Factory Support
3 reviews
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Одноразовый ролик для удаления ворса EasyClean с длинной ручкой - без батареек, липкий очиститель пыли для различных домашних зон - идеально подходит для полов и поверхностей, удаляет волосы и пыль из гостиной, спальни, одежды, кухни и ванной.
₸1,600.00 – ₸4,200.00
Одноразовый ролик для удаления ворса EasyClean с длинной ручкой - без батареек, липкий очиститель пыли для различных домашних зон - идеально подходит для полов и поверхностей, удаляет волосы и пыль из гостиной, спальни, одежды, кухни и ванной.
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