Ощутите удобство набора электрической щетки INSKAM, который включает в себя LED-дисплей, 2 регулируемые скорости, 7 сменных щеток, съемную длинную ручку и литий-ионный аккумулятор с USB зарядкой емкостью 2500mAh. Идеально подходит для чистки ванн.
Joybos Easy-Clean Mop ning avtomatik qog'ozni ushlab turish funksiyasi bilan qulayligini his eting. Pol, gilam, devorlar va hatto uy hayvonlari iflosliklarini tozalash uchun ideal.
Ощутите удобство набора плоского швабры и ведра Joybos с нержавеющей стальной ручкой для легкого отжима. Не требует электричества, что делает его идеальным для уборки в любом месте вашего дома или автомобиля. Изготовлен из прочных материалов ABS и PP.
Ощутите удобство швабры JOYBOS Rainbow с мытьем без рук. В этот набор входят 4 многоразовые тряпки и крючок для швабры, что делает его идеальным для уборки деревянных, плиточных и ламинатных полов в вашей гостиной, спальне, кухне и ванной.
Испытайте удобство набора швабры и ведра Joybos, который включает 2 микрофибровых насадки. Этот набор из нержавеющей стали предназначен для влажной и сухой уборки на различных полах вашего дома, включая спальню, кухню, гостиную и ванную комнату. Скажите
Experience the convenience of the JOYBOS Spin Mop and Bucket System, featuring a long handle for hands-free wash, dust removal, and both dry and wet use on home, kitchen, and bathroom floors. Made from durable plastic material, this system requires no
Experience the convenience of the JOYNCLEON 3-in-1 Silicone Bottle Brush Set, complete with a Pacifier Cleaner and Storage Box. These reusable, BPA-free kitchen accessories require no electricity and come with multiple components for all your cleaning
Experience the ease and convenience of our [1pc Multi-Surface Cleaning Kit]. This versatile kit includes a mini handheld sponge mop, brush, and portable cleaning tool that requires no electricity. Perfect for cleaning bathrooms, cars, windows, glass
Joybos All-in-One silikon squeegee bilan tanishing - pol, shift, avtomobil oynalari va shisha yuzalar uchun ko'p funksiyali tozalash asbobi. Oson tozalash uchun ajratilishi mumkin bo'lgan va aylantiriladigan sozlanadigan tutqichga ega.
Experience the pleasant scent of Osmanthus with DOWA's Toilet Cleaner. Each pack contains 5 pieces of long-lasting fragrance that offers dual-effect cleaning and is gentle on ceramic surfaces. Perfect for use at home or in the office, this toilet cleaner
Experience the refreshing Botanical Breeze Toilet Bowl Cleaner Tablets from DOWA with 8 pieces - 4 in Rose and 4 in Pine scents. Transform your bathroom into a tranquil oasis with nature's soothing fragrances. Utilizing Fine Cone Flower Technology, these
Dowa's Toilet Cleaner Gel bilan 5 ta to'plamda yangi pinja hidini his qiling. Konsentratsiyalangan natriy lauril sulfat va bir oz atirgul hidi bilan tayyorlangan ushbu ikki ta'sirli tozalovchi keramika yuzalarni samarali tozalash uchun mukammaldir.
Experience the transformative power of Jakehoe Pink Stuff Miracle Cleaning Powder with this convenient 2 pack! Specifically designed for metal surfaces, this low odor formula uses citric acid to provide deep cleaning for your range hood, stovetop, and
Kengaytiriladigan Ikki Tomonlama Deraza Qaychi, Yuqori Derazalarni Tozalash uchun Aylanuvchi Qaychi - Shisha, Devorlar va Pol uchun Ko'p Maqsadli Asbob
Uzoqroq cho'tka to'plami, zanglamaydigan po'latdan yasalgan ustun - Osonlik bilan to'rg'ay va changlarni olib tashlang - Uy, avtomobil va ochiq joylar uchun mukammal - Batareyalar kerak emas
Extendable Duster with Telescopic Handle - This versatile cleaning tool features a bendable head and can be used on high ceilings, furniture, cars, and more. Made of reusable washable microfiber, it is perfect for use in living rooms, bedrooms
Extendable Dusting Kit with 4 Pieces and Long Handle - Perfect for Cleaning Under-Beds, Floors, Walls, Living Rooms, and Furniture - No Power Needed, Made with Aluminum Rod, Includes Dusters for Easy Cleaning
Uzoqroq cho'ziladigan pol tozalash cho'tkasi, zanglamaydigan po'latdan yasalgan tutqichi - hammom, oshxona, patio va plitka yuzalarini tozalash uchun mukammal.
Extendable Gap Dust Brush with Long Handle - No Batteries Required! This multipurpose duster is perfect for cleaning sofas, beds, and furniture. Use it in your home, living room, bedroom, car, or even outdoors. A versatile tool for all your dusting needs!
Kengaytiriladigan Shisha Tozalagich Avtomobil va Uy Derazalari uchun - Mustahkam Noxud Qotishma, Yuqori Suv Qabul Qilish Qobiliyatiga ega Ko'p Maqsadli Asbob, Baland Bino Derazalarini Tozalash uchun Mukammal
Ikki tomonlama cho'ziladigan shisha tozalagich - Yotoqxona, hammom, oshxona va yashash xonasi uchun baland derazalarni tozalashda foydalanish uchun qulay vosita
Kengaytiriladigan Qopqoq Tozalash Cho'tkasi - Barglar va Qoldiqlar uchun Yetib Borish, Noxush Po'lat, Moslashuvchan, Mustahkam
Yashil rangdagi uzaytiriladigan tutqichli ko'p funksiyali deraza tozalagich, zanglamas po'lat, ABS va tolali materiallardan tayyorlangan. Shisha plitalar va uyda turli joylarni tozalash uchun ideal.
Телескопическая ручка силиконового швабра-скребка, универсальный инструмент для уборки плитки и стекла, идеально подходит для ванной, туалета, кухни, гостиной и спальни. Эффективно очищайте полы и стекла с помощью этого многофункционального аксессуара.
Mening xohishlarim
Ваша корзина
Ощутите удобство набора электрической щетки INSKAM, который включает в себя LED-дисплей, 2 регулируемые скорости, 7 сменных щеток, съемную длинную ручку и литий-ионный аккумулятор с USB зарядкой емкостью 2500mAh. Идеально подходит для чистки ванн.
Joybos Easy-Clean Mop ning avtomatik qog'ozni ushlab turish funksiyasi bilan qulayligini his eting. Pol, gilam, devorlar va hatto uy hayvonlari iflosliklarini tozalash uchun ideal.
Ощутите удобство набора плоского швабры и ведра Joybos с нержавеющей стальной ручкой для легкого отжима. Не требует электричества, что делает его идеальным для уборки в любом месте вашего дома или автомобиля. Изготовлен из прочных материалов ABS и PP.
Ощутите удобство швабры JOYBOS Rainbow с мытьем без рук. В этот набор входят 4 многоразовые тряпки и крючок для швабры, что делает его идеальным для уборки деревянных, плиточных и ламинатных полов в вашей гостиной, спальне, кухне и ванной.
Испытайте удобство набора швабры и ведра Joybos, который включает 2 микрофибровых насадки. Этот набор из нержавеющей стали предназначен для влажной и сухой уборки на различных полах вашего дома, включая спальню, кухню, гостиную и ванную комнату. Скажите
Experience the convenience of the JOYBOS Spin Mop and Bucket System, featuring a long handle for hands-free wash, dust removal, and both dry and wet use on home, kitchen, and bathroom floors. Made from durable plastic material, this system requires no
Experience the convenience of the JOYNCLEON 3-in-1 Silicone Bottle Brush Set, complete with a Pacifier Cleaner and Storage Box. These reusable, BPA-free kitchen accessories require no electricity and come with multiple components for all your cleaning
Experience the ease and convenience of our [1pc Multi-Surface Cleaning Kit]. This versatile kit includes a mini handheld sponge mop, brush, and portable cleaning tool that requires no electricity. Perfect for cleaning bathrooms, cars, windows, glass
Joybos All-in-One silikon squeegee bilan tanishing - pol, shift, avtomobil oynalari va shisha yuzalar uchun ko'p funksiyali tozalash asbobi. Oson tozalash uchun ajratilishi mumkin bo'lgan va aylantiriladigan sozlanadigan tutqichga ega.
Experience the pleasant scent of Osmanthus with DOWA's Toilet Cleaner. Each pack contains 5 pieces of long-lasting fragrance that offers dual-effect cleaning and is gentle on ceramic surfaces. Perfect for use at home or in the office, this toilet cleaner
Experience the refreshing Botanical Breeze Toilet Bowl Cleaner Tablets from DOWA with 8 pieces - 4 in Rose and 4 in Pine scents. Transform your bathroom into a tranquil oasis with nature's soothing fragrances. Utilizing Fine Cone Flower Technology, these
Dowa's Toilet Cleaner Gel bilan 5 ta to'plamda yangi pinja hidini his qiling. Konsentratsiyalangan natriy lauril sulfat va bir oz atirgul hidi bilan tayyorlangan ushbu ikki ta'sirli tozalovchi keramika yuzalarni samarali tozalash uchun mukammaldir.
Experience the transformative power of Jakehoe Pink Stuff Miracle Cleaning Powder with this convenient 2 pack! Specifically designed for metal surfaces, this low odor formula uses citric acid to provide deep cleaning for your range hood, stovetop, and
Kengaytiriladigan Ikki Tomonlama Deraza Qaychi, Yuqori Derazalarni Tozalash uchun Aylanuvchi Qaychi - Shisha, Devorlar va Pol uchun Ko'p Maqsadli Asbob
Uzoqroq cho'tka to'plami, zanglamaydigan po'latdan yasalgan ustun - Osonlik bilan to'rg'ay va changlarni olib tashlang - Uy, avtomobil va ochiq joylar uchun mukammal - Batareyalar kerak emas
Extendable Duster with Telescopic Handle - This versatile cleaning tool features a bendable head and can be used on high ceilings, furniture, cars, and more. Made of reusable washable microfiber, it is perfect for use in living rooms, bedrooms
Extendable Dusting Kit with 4 Pieces and Long Handle - Perfect for Cleaning Under-Beds, Floors, Walls, Living Rooms, and Furniture - No Power Needed, Made with Aluminum Rod, Includes Dusters for Easy Cleaning
Uzoqroq cho'ziladigan pol tozalash cho'tkasi, zanglamaydigan po'latdan yasalgan tutqichi - hammom, oshxona, patio va plitka yuzalarini tozalash uchun mukammal.
Extendable Gap Dust Brush with Long Handle - No Batteries Required! This multipurpose duster is perfect for cleaning sofas, beds, and furniture. Use it in your home, living room, bedroom, car, or even outdoors. A versatile tool for all your dusting needs!
Kengaytiriladigan Shisha Tozalagich Avtomobil va Uy Derazalari uchun - Mustahkam Noxud Qotishma, Yuqori Suv Qabul Qilish Qobiliyatiga ega Ko'p Maqsadli Asbob, Baland Bino Derazalarini Tozalash uchun Mukammal
Ikki tomonlama cho'ziladigan shisha tozalagich - Yotoqxona, hammom, oshxona va yashash xonasi uchun baland derazalarni tozalashda foydalanish uchun qulay vosita
Kengaytiriladigan Qopqoq Tozalash Cho'tkasi - Barglar va Qoldiqlar uchun Yetib Borish, Noxush Po'lat, Moslashuvchan, Mustahkam
Yashil rangdagi uzaytiriladigan tutqichli ko'p funksiyali deraza tozalagich, zanglamas po'lat, ABS va tolali materiallardan tayyorlangan. Shisha plitalar va uyda turli joylarni tozalash uchun ideal.
Телескопическая ручка силиконового швабра-скребка, универсальный инструмент для уборки плитки и стекла, идеально подходит для ванной, туалета, кухни, гостиной и спальни. Эффективно очищайте полы и стекла с помощью этого многофункционального аксессуара.
Cleaning Supplies
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Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Ощутите удобство набора электрической щетки INSKAM, который включает в себя LED-дисплей, 2 регулируемые скорости, 7 сменных щеток, съемную длинную ручку и литий-ионный аккумулятор с USB зарядкой емкостью 2500mAh. Идеально подходит для чистки ванн.
3 reviews
Ощутите удобство набора электрической щетки INSKAM, который включает в себя LED-дисплей, 2 регулируемые скорости, 7 сменных щеток, съемную длинную ручку и литий-ионный аккумулятор с USB зарядкой емкостью 2500mAh. Идеально подходит для чистки ванн.
3 reviews
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Joybos Easy-Clean Mop ning avtomatik qog'ozni ushlab turish funksiyasi bilan qulayligini his eting. Pol, gilam, devorlar va hatto uy hayvonlari iflosliklarini tozalash uchun ideal.
3 reviews
Joybos Easy-Clean Mop ning avtomatik qog'ozni ushlab turish funksiyasi bilan qulayligini his eting. Pol, gilam, devorlar va hatto uy hayvonlari iflosliklarini tozalash uchun ideal.
3 reviews
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Ощутите удобство набора плоского швабры и ведра Joybos с нержавеющей стальной ручкой для легкого отжима. Не требует электричества, что делает его идеальным для уборки в любом месте вашего дома или автомобиля. Изготовлен из прочных материалов ABS и PP.
4 reviews
₸12,100.00 – ₸12,700.00
Ощутите удобство набора плоского швабры и ведра Joybos с нержавеющей стальной ручкой для легкого отжима. Не требует электричества, что делает его идеальным для уборки в любом месте вашего дома или автомобиля. Изготовлен из прочных материалов ABS и PP.
4 reviews
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Ощутите удобство швабры JOYBOS Rainbow с мытьем без рук. В этот набор входят 4 многоразовые тряпки и крючок для швабры, что делает его идеальным для уборки деревянных, плиточных и ламинатных полов в вашей гостиной, спальне, кухне и ванной.
Ощутите удобство швабры JOYBOS Rainbow с мытьем без рук. В этот набор входят 4 многоразовые тряпки и крючок для швабры, что делает его идеальным для уборки деревянных, плиточных и ламинатных полов в вашей гостиной, спальне, кухне и ванной.
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Испытайте удобство набора швабры и ведра Joybos, который включает 2 микрофибровых насадки. Этот набор из нержавеющей стали предназначен для влажной и сухой уборки на различных полах вашего дома, включая спальню, кухню, гостиную и ванную комнату. Скажите
4 reviews
Испытайте удобство набора швабры и ведра Joybos, который включает 2 микрофибровых насадки. Этот набор из нержавеющей стали предназначен для влажной и сухой уборки на различных полах вашего дома, включая спальню, кухню, гостиную и ванную комнату. Скажите
4 reviews
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Experience the convenience of the JOYBOS Spin Mop and Bucket System, featuring a long handle for hands-free wash, dust removal, and both dry and wet use on home, kitchen, and bathroom floors. Made from durable plastic material, this system requires no
Experience the convenience of the JOYBOS Spin Mop and Bucket System, featuring a long handle for hands-free wash, dust removal, and both dry and wet use on home, kitchen, and bathroom floors. Made from durable plastic material, this system requires no
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Experience the convenience of the JOYNCLEON 3-in-1 Silicone Bottle Brush Set, complete with a Pacifier Cleaner and Storage Box. These reusable, BPA-free kitchen accessories require no electricity and come with multiple components for all your cleaning
Experience the convenience of the JOYNCLEON 3-in-1 Silicone Bottle Brush Set, complete with a Pacifier Cleaner and Storage Box. These reusable, BPA-free kitchen accessories require no electricity and come with multiple components for all your cleaning
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Experience the ease and convenience of our [1pc Multi-Surface Cleaning Kit]. This versatile kit includes a mini handheld sponge mop, brush, and portable cleaning tool that requires no electricity. Perfect for cleaning bathrooms, cars, windows, glass
3 reviews
Experience the ease and convenience of our [1pc Multi-Surface Cleaning Kit]. This versatile kit includes a mini handheld sponge mop, brush, and portable cleaning tool that requires no electricity. Perfect for cleaning bathrooms, cars, windows, glass
3 reviews
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Joybos All-in-One silikon squeegee bilan tanishing - pol, shift, avtomobil oynalari va shisha yuzalar uchun ko'p funksiyali tozalash asbobi. Oson tozalash uchun ajratilishi mumkin bo'lgan va aylantiriladigan sozlanadigan tutqichga ega.
3 reviews
Joybos All-in-One silikon squeegee bilan tanishing - pol, shift, avtomobil oynalari va shisha yuzalar uchun ko'p funksiyali tozalash asbobi. Oson tozalash uchun ajratilishi mumkin bo'lgan va aylantiriladigan sozlanadigan tutqichga ega.
3 reviews
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Experience the pleasant scent of Osmanthus with DOWA's Toilet Cleaner. Each pack contains 5 pieces of long-lasting fragrance that offers dual-effect cleaning and is gentle on ceramic surfaces. Perfect for use at home or in the office, this toilet cleaner
Experience the pleasant scent of Osmanthus with DOWA's Toilet Cleaner. Each pack contains 5 pieces of long-lasting fragrance that offers dual-effect cleaning and is gentle on ceramic surfaces. Perfect for use at home or in the office, this toilet cleaner
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Experience the refreshing Botanical Breeze Toilet Bowl Cleaner Tablets from DOWA with 8 pieces - 4 in Rose and 4 in Pine scents. Transform your bathroom into a tranquil oasis with nature's soothing fragrances. Utilizing Fine Cone Flower Technology, these
Experience the refreshing Botanical Breeze Toilet Bowl Cleaner Tablets from DOWA with 8 pieces - 4 in Rose and 4 in Pine scents. Transform your bathroom into a tranquil oasis with nature's soothing fragrances. Utilizing Fine Cone Flower Technology, these
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Dowa's Toilet Cleaner Gel bilan 5 ta to'plamda yangi pinja hidini his qiling. Konsentratsiyalangan natriy lauril sulfat va bir oz atirgul hidi bilan tayyorlangan ushbu ikki ta'sirli tozalovchi keramika yuzalarni samarali tozalash uchun mukammaldir.
Dowa's Toilet Cleaner Gel bilan 5 ta to'plamda yangi pinja hidini his qiling. Konsentratsiyalangan natriy lauril sulfat va bir oz atirgul hidi bilan tayyorlangan ushbu ikki ta'sirli tozalovchi keramika yuzalarni samarali tozalash uchun mukammaldir.
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Experience the transformative power of Jakehoe Pink Stuff Miracle Cleaning Powder with this convenient 2 pack! Specifically designed for metal surfaces, this low odor formula uses citric acid to provide deep cleaning for your range hood, stovetop, and
3 reviews
Experience the transformative power of Jakehoe Pink Stuff Miracle Cleaning Powder with this convenient 2 pack! Specifically designed for metal surfaces, this low odor formula uses citric acid to provide deep cleaning for your range hood, stovetop, and
3 reviews
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Kengaytiriladigan Ikki Tomonlama Deraza Qaychi, Yuqori Derazalarni Tozalash uchun Aylanuvchi Qaychi - Shisha, Devorlar va Pol uchun Ko'p Maqsadli Asbob
4 reviews
Kengaytiriladigan Ikki Tomonlama Deraza Qaychi, Yuqori Derazalarni Tozalash uchun Aylanuvchi Qaychi - Shisha, Devorlar va Pol uchun Ko'p Maqsadli Asbob
4 reviews
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Uzoqroq cho'tka to'plami, zanglamaydigan po'latdan yasalgan ustun - Osonlik bilan to'rg'ay va changlarni olib tashlang - Uy, avtomobil va ochiq joylar uchun mukammal - Batareyalar kerak emas
4 reviews
Uzoqroq cho'tka to'plami, zanglamaydigan po'latdan yasalgan ustun - Osonlik bilan to'rg'ay va changlarni olib tashlang - Uy, avtomobil va ochiq joylar uchun mukammal - Batareyalar kerak emas
4 reviews
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Extendable Duster with Telescopic Handle - This versatile cleaning tool features a bendable head and can be used on high ceilings, furniture, cars, and more. Made of reusable washable microfiber, it is perfect for use in living rooms, bedrooms
3 reviews
₸2,200.00 – ₸3,300.00
Extendable Duster with Telescopic Handle - This versatile cleaning tool features a bendable head and can be used on high ceilings, furniture, cars, and more. Made of reusable washable microfiber, it is perfect for use in living rooms, bedrooms
3 reviews
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Extendable Dusting Kit with 4 Pieces and Long Handle - Perfect for Cleaning Under-Beds, Floors, Walls, Living Rooms, and Furniture - No Power Needed, Made with Aluminum Rod, Includes Dusters for Easy Cleaning
Extendable Dusting Kit with 4 Pieces and Long Handle - Perfect for Cleaning Under-Beds, Floors, Walls, Living Rooms, and Furniture - No Power Needed, Made with Aluminum Rod, Includes Dusters for Easy Cleaning
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Uzoqroq cho'ziladigan pol tozalash cho'tkasi, zanglamaydigan po'latdan yasalgan tutqichi - hammom, oshxona, patio va plitka yuzalarini tozalash uchun mukammal.
Uzoqroq cho'ziladigan pol tozalash cho'tkasi, zanglamaydigan po'latdan yasalgan tutqichi - hammom, oshxona, patio va plitka yuzalarini tozalash uchun mukammal.
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Extendable Gap Dust Brush with Long Handle - No Batteries Required! This multipurpose duster is perfect for cleaning sofas, beds, and furniture. Use it in your home, living room, bedroom, car, or even outdoors. A versatile tool for all your dusting needs!
3 reviews
Extendable Gap Dust Brush with Long Handle - No Batteries Required! This multipurpose duster is perfect for cleaning sofas, beds, and furniture. Use it in your home, living room, bedroom, car, or even outdoors. A versatile tool for all your dusting needs!
3 reviews
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Kengaytiriladigan Shisha Tozalagich Avtomobil va Uy Derazalari uchun - Mustahkam Noxud Qotishma, Yuqori Suv Qabul Qilish Qobiliyatiga ega Ko'p Maqsadli Asbob, Baland Bino Derazalarini Tozalash uchun Mukammal
3 reviews
Kengaytiriladigan Shisha Tozalagich Avtomobil va Uy Derazalari uchun - Mustahkam Noxud Qotishma, Yuqori Suv Qabul Qilish Qobiliyatiga ega Ko'p Maqsadli Asbob, Baland Bino Derazalarini Tozalash uchun Mukammal
3 reviews
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Ikki tomonlama cho'ziladigan shisha tozalagich - Yotoqxona, hammom, oshxona va yashash xonasi uchun baland derazalarni tozalashda foydalanish uchun qulay vosita
4 reviews
₸14,900.00 – ₸16,400.00
Ikki tomonlama cho'ziladigan shisha tozalagich - Yotoqxona, hammom, oshxona va yashash xonasi uchun baland derazalarni tozalashda foydalanish uchun qulay vosita
4 reviews
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Kengaytiriladigan Qopqoq Tozalash Cho'tkasi - Barglar va Qoldiqlar uchun Yetib Borish, Noxush Po'lat, Moslashuvchan, Mustahkam
1 review
Kengaytiriladigan Qopqoq Tozalash Cho'tkasi - Barglar va Qoldiqlar uchun Yetib Borish, Noxush Po'lat, Moslashuvchan, Mustahkam
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Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Yashil rangdagi uzaytiriladigan tutqichli ko'p funksiyali deraza tozalagich, zanglamas po'lat, ABS va tolali materiallardan tayyorlangan. Shisha plitalar va uyda turli joylarni tozalash uchun ideal.
4 reviews
Yashil rangdagi uzaytiriladigan tutqichli ko'p funksiyali deraza tozalagich, zanglamas po'lat, ABS va tolali materiallardan tayyorlangan. Shisha plitalar va uyda turli joylarni tozalash uchun ideal.
4 reviews
Ro'yxatga qo'shish
Ro'yxatni o'chirish
Телескопическая ручка силиконового швабра-скребка, универсальный инструмент для уборки плитки и стекла, идеально подходит для ванной, туалета, кухни, гостиной и спальни. Эффективно очищайте полы и стекла с помощью этого многофункционального аксессуара.
3 reviews
Телескопическая ручка силиконового швабра-скребка, универсальный инструмент для уборки плитки и стекла, идеально подходит для ванной, туалета, кухни, гостиной и спальни. Эффективно очищайте полы и стекла с помощью этого многофункционального аксессуара.
3 reviews
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