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- Набор из двух вечных магнитных держателей для штор длиной 42,01 см каждый, служащих стильными декоративными веревочными держателями. Эти мощные магнитные держатели надежно фиксируют шторы в доме и офисе, улучшая эстетику оконного оформления.
Стиль: Классический
Материал: Другой материал
Идентификатор товара: 56915317

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Всеволод Витман These magical things are irresistible! They shine and sparkle. They also converge easily and diverge. I wrap them twice, then they hold very well even without stocking belts and pins. All by themselves. Many thanks to the TEMU team! And Hermes is also well made!
То***Ли Thank you to the seller, I received the holders intact, the magnets are good, they attract very well.
Dilfuza Rashidova The magnet is strong and does its job.
Всеволод Витман These magical things are irresistible! They shine and sparkle. They also converge easily and diverge. I wrap them twice, then they hold very well even without stocking belts and pins. All by themselves. Many thanks to the TEMU team! And Hermes is also well made!
То***Ли Thank you to the seller, I received the holders intact, the magnets are good, they attract very well.
Dilfuza Rashidova The magnet is strong and does its job.
Всеволод Витман These magical things are irresistible! They shine and sparkle. They also converge easily and diverge. I wrap them twice, then they hold very well even without stocking belts and pins. All by themselves. Many thanks to the TEMU team! And Hermes is also well made!
То***Ли Thank you to the seller, I received the holders intact, the magnets are good, they attract very well.
Dilfuza Rashidova The magnet is strong and does its job.