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- Набор ведра и швабры Household Spin с 2 насадками для швабры, вращающаяся швабра, швабра из нержавеющей стали с функцией без рук для удаления пыли, для сухого и влажного использования, идеальна для уборки полов в доме, на кухне и в ванной.
Применимая сцена: Гостиная, Спальня, Ванная комната, Туалет, Кухня
Материал: Нержавеющая сталь
Идентификатор товара: 69920327
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pl***99 super
an***in It's a good mop and bucket but sent me a bucket with a big smash in it, will want compensation for that.
Peter Schlinger I wouldn't have thought it would be a great product. Material top and length of the pug is also suitable for taller people!
Sylwia Kubiak The product is good, there was a problem with the mop to put the top of the mop, maybe he had to put it in hot water and then put the rest Oki
pl***99 super
an***in It's a good mop and bucket but sent me a bucket with a big smash in it, will want compensation for that.
Peter Schlinger I wouldn't have thought it would be a great product. Material top and length of the pug is also suitable for taller people!
Sylwia Kubiak The product is good, there was a problem with the mop to put the top of the mop, maybe he had to put it in hot water and then put the rest Oki
pl***99 super
an***in It's a good mop and bucket but sent me a bucket with a big smash in it, will want compensation for that.
Peter Schlinger I wouldn't have thought it would be a great product. Material top and length of the pug is also suitable for taller people!
Sylwia Kubiak The product is good, there was a problem with the mop to put the top of the mop, maybe he had to put it in hot water and then put the rest Oki