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- Шорты с высокой талией, изготовленные на 85% из полиамида и на 15% из эластана, с эффектом контроля живота, сужения талии и формирования ног.
Состав: 85% полиамид, 15% эластан
Материал: Полиамид
Детали: Нет
Узор: Однотонный цвет
Тип: Шорты
Инструкция по эксплуатации: Ручная стирка, не подвергать химической чистке.
Эластичность ткани: средняя эластичность
Способ ткачества: трикотажная ткань
Идентификатор товара: 19148442
Происхождение: Гуандун, Китай
Пара шорт с высокой талией, изготовленных из смеси 85% полиамида и 15% эластана. Ткань однотонного вязаного материала весит 160 г/м² и предназначена для контроля живота и сужения талии, а также обеспечивает поддерживающий эффект для ног.

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Iz***ra Made me feel so incredibly sexy when I put it on
it's got 2 seams at the back and on the front and elastic band so that keeps shape
Ol***bj The product provides excellent value for its cost and offers exceptional support. As an individual of size 12, I found that the size 6 provided an ideal fit for my needs. I highly recommend this product to anyone seeking a reliable and effective solution.
Iz***ra Made me feel so incredibly sexy when I put it on
it's got 2 seams at the back and on the front and elastic band so that keeps shape
Ol***bj The product provides excellent value for its cost and offers exceptional support. As an individual of size 12, I found that the size 6 provided an ideal fit for my needs. I highly recommend this product to anyone seeking a reliable and effective solution.
Iz***ra Made me feel so incredibly sexy when I put it on
it's got 2 seams at the back and on the front and elastic band so that keeps shape
Ol***bj The product provides excellent value for its cost and offers exceptional support. As an individual of size 12, I found that the size 6 provided an ideal fit for my needs. I highly recommend this product to anyone seeking a reliable and effective solution.