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- Трусики с высокой талией PEACH LIFT черного цвета с съемными подушечками, контролем живота и эффектом лифтинга ягодиц.
Состав: 85% полиэстер, 15% эластан
Материал: Полиэстер
Поддержка: Средняя поддержка
Накладка на грудь: Съемная подкладка
Детали: Нет
Узор: Однотонный цвет
Тип: Трусы
Инструкция по эксплуатации: Ручная стирка, не подвергать химической чистке.
Количество продуктов: 1 шт.
Способ ткачества: трикотажная ткань
Идентификатор товара: 31693402
Ощутите высший комфорт и воздухопроницаемость с этой парой женских персиковых лифтовых трусиков. Эти сексуальные трусики с высокой талией имеют съемные подкладки для индивидуальной настройки, а также обеспечивают контроль за животом и эффект подъема ягодиц. Изготовленные из гладкой черной смеси полиэстера и эластана, эти трусики помогут вам чувствовать себя уверенно и стильно на протяжении всего дня.

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Bernard L'Hostis Really great CULOTTE with built-in pads, gives me a more shapely and bouncy butt. I also bought 3 cm pads to insert in the buttock area for even more lift.Thank you TEMU for this very comfortable and pleasant-to-wear panty. I also recommend the 3 cm hip pads on each side to perfect the silhouette. People are now noticing me, and I wear it with a warm leggings from TEMU as well as red or beige thigh-high boots.I am completely satisfied with these Bernard panties.
ke***zo I laughed a lot when I received my panties with fake buttocks; they give me a nice little backside to look at. I'm happy 😊
نوف ال سعود Very comfortable. My butt is big and it used to look like a pear, but after wearing these pants it became beautiful and smooth. All my friends touch it and love its beautiful texture. Kudos to whoever made it.
Bernard L'Hostis Really great CULOTTE with built-in pads, gives me a more shapely and bouncy butt. I also bought 3 cm pads to insert in the buttock area for even more lift.Thank you TEMU for this very comfortable and pleasant-to-wear panty. I also recommend the 3 cm hip pads on each side to perfect the silhouette. People are now noticing me, and I wear it with a warm leggings from TEMU as well as red or beige thigh-high boots.I am completely satisfied with these Bernard panties.
ke***zo I laughed a lot when I received my panties with fake buttocks; they give me a nice little backside to look at. I'm happy 😊
نوف ال سعود Very comfortable. My butt is big and it used to look like a pear, but after wearing these pants it became beautiful and smooth. All my friends touch it and love its beautiful texture. Kudos to whoever made it.
Bernard L'Hostis Really great CULOTTE with built-in pads, gives me a more shapely and bouncy butt. I also bought 3 cm pads to insert in the buttock area for even more lift.Thank you TEMU for this very comfortable and pleasant-to-wear panty. I also recommend the 3 cm hip pads on each side to perfect the silhouette. People are now noticing me, and I wear it with a warm leggings from TEMU as well as red or beige thigh-high boots.I am completely satisfied with these Bernard panties.
ke***zo I laughed a lot when I received my panties with fake buttocks; they give me a nice little backside to look at. I'm happy 😊
نوف ال سعود Very comfortable. My butt is big and it used to look like a pear, but after wearing these pants it became beautiful and smooth. All my friends touch it and love its beautiful texture. Kudos to whoever made it.