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- Комплект плоского швабры с ведром и отжимом, нержавеющая стальная ручка и микрофибровые насадки, работа без рук, идеально подходит для уборки дома, кухни, спальни, ванной и гостиной, включает 2 сменные насадки и функцию дренажного отверстия.
Применимая сцена: Гостиная, Спальня, Ванная комната, Туалет, Кухня
Материал: Пластик
Идентификатор товара: 88521365
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coralie taquet The capacity is quite small but for a quick clean-up in a room it's very good. My daughter said "oh that's cool" so she'll try it just for that reason, I'm giving it 5 stars 🤣
ge***e2 The one I had was more solid and the handle was of better quality, average size.
Amalia Victoria Cañas Exposito It's super practical, but I would improve a few things. The handle is a bit short, and it would need more stability to move it around, since the part that fills with water is heavier than the empty one and it can tip over. I would make the bucket taller so the mop would be a bit bigger.Otherwise, it's perfect, very original, takes up little space, and is super fast for cleaning the floor with it.
coralie taquet The capacity is quite small but for a quick clean-up in a room it's very good. My daughter said "oh that's cool" so she'll try it just for that reason, I'm giving it 5 stars 🤣
ge***e2 The one I had was more solid and the handle was of better quality, average size.
Amalia Victoria Cañas Exposito It's super practical, but I would improve a few things. The handle is a bit short, and it would need more stability to move it around, since the part that fills with water is heavier than the empty one and it can tip over. I would make the bucket taller so the mop would be a bit bigger.Otherwise, it's perfect, very original, takes up little space, and is super fast for cleaning the floor with it.
coralie taquet The capacity is quite small but for a quick clean-up in a room it's very good. My daughter said "oh that's cool" so she'll try it just for that reason, I'm giving it 5 stars 🤣
ge***e2 The one I had was more solid and the handle was of better quality, average size.
Amalia Victoria Cañas Exposito It's super practical, but I would improve a few things. The handle is a bit short, and it would need more stability to move it around, since the part that fills with water is heavier than the empty one and it can tip over. I would make the bucket taller so the mop would be a bit bigger.Otherwise, it's perfect, very original, takes up little space, and is super fast for cleaning the floor with it.