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- Уютный боди с флисовой подкладкой для женщин - идеальное термобелье для осенне-зимнего сезона
Состав: 95% полиэстер, 5% эластан
Материал: Полиэстер и спандекс
Детали: Нет
Узор: Однотонный цвет
Тип: Боди
Инструкция по эксплуатации: Ручная стирка, не подвергать химической чистке
Способ ткачества: трикотажная ткань
Идентификатор товара: 55500927
Оставайтесь в тепле и уюте на протяжении всего сезона с этим женским боди с длинным рукавом. Изготовлено с флисовой подкладкой для дополнительного тепла, это термобелье идеально подходит для осени и зимы. Эластичная ткань обеспечивает комфортную посадку, а длинные рукава обеспечивают дополнительное покрытие.
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Joe I absolutely adore the top. The clothes fit so well and they look amazing on a curvy figure. I really appreciate this option and the quality of the goods is so great that I will order product in the future. Thank you so much for making me feel beautiful!, definitely buy again, really nice material.Highly recommended.
Madina Dalatova I really liked the manga
Luiza Alim It's synthetic, but my daughter liked it. There's a slight fuzziness inside.
Joe I absolutely adore the top. The clothes fit so well and they look amazing on a curvy figure. I really appreciate this option and the quality of the goods is so great that I will order product in the future. Thank you so much for making me feel beautiful!, definitely buy again, really nice material.Highly recommended.
Madina Dalatova I really liked the manga
Luiza Alim It's synthetic, but my daughter liked it. There's a slight fuzziness inside.
Joe I absolutely adore the top. The clothes fit so well and they look amazing on a curvy figure. I really appreciate this option and the quality of the goods is so great that I will order product in the future. Thank you so much for making me feel beautiful!, definitely buy again, really nice material.Highly recommended.
Madina Dalatova I really liked the manga
Luiza Alim It's synthetic, but my daughter liked it. There's a slight fuzziness inside.