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- Комбинезон без спинки с бесшовным дизайном и мягким контролем живота, идеален дляSlimming и формирования вашего тела.
Состав: 92% полиамид, 8% эластан
Материал: Полиамид
Накладка на грудь: Без подкладки
Детали: Нет
Узор: Однотонный цвет
Тип: Джеггинсы
Инструкция по эксплуатации: Ручная стирка, не подвергать химической чистке.
Метод ткачества: трикотажная ткань
Идентификатор товара: 24676559
Этот комбинезон без спинки разработан для создания бесшовного образа и имеет контроль живота для эффекта стройности. Он изготовлен из мягкого, комфортного материала и может носиться как нижнее белье или корректирующее белье.
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ay***ko second time I have bought this product. good quality and stylish
he***ra In principle it seems correct, I haven't tried it on yet because I just received it, but you can see that it must be comfortable, it doesn't tighten, it looks flexible, I liked it.
ca***nd lovely and comfortable and gives a nice shape. really flattering, can think of lots of ways to style this.
ay***ko second time I have bought this product. good quality and stylish
he***ra In principle it seems correct, I haven't tried it on yet because I just received it, but you can see that it must be comfortable, it doesn't tighten, it looks flexible, I liked it.
ca***nd lovely and comfortable and gives a nice shape. really flattering, can think of lots of ways to style this.
ay***ko second time I have bought this product. good quality and stylish
he***ra In principle it seems correct, I haven't tried it on yet because I just received it, but you can see that it must be comfortable, it doesn't tighten, it looks flexible, I liked it.
ca***nd lovely and comfortable and gives a nice shape. really flattering, can think of lots of ways to style this.