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Alexia alexoulla This is a foam-like material that goes into cabinets and has a nice color
Ana Pavlović very beautiful helped coverup cardboard used to create devided sections in the kitchen drawers... very satisfied
Marina Fedele Very good plastic-like material
It comes in the form of a roll so it can be adapted to any size
I got it for the shelf in the laundry room so I could protect the shelf outside
If you found me useful, please leave a like
Alexia alexoulla This is a foam-like material that goes into cabinets and has a nice color
Ana Pavlović very beautiful helped coverup cardboard used to create devided sections in the kitchen drawers... very satisfied
Marina Fedele Very good plastic-like material
It comes in the form of a roll so it can be adapted to any size
I got it for the shelf in the laundry room so I could protect the shelf outside
If you found me useful, please leave a like
Alexia alexoulla This is a foam-like material that goes into cabinets and has a nice color
Ana Pavlović very beautiful helped coverup cardboard used to create devided sections in the kitchen drawers... very satisfied
Marina Fedele Very good plastic-like material
It comes in the form of a roll so it can be adapted to any size
I got it for the shelf in the laundry room so I could protect the shelf outside
If you found me useful, please leave a like