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- Самоклеящиеся силиконовые накладки на соски для женского нижнего белья, моющиеся вручную аксессуары для беспроводных бюстгальтеров.
Состав: 80% полиэстер, 20% силикон
Материал: Полиэстер
Тип поддержки: Беспроводной
Тип: Аксессуары для бюстгальтеров
Непрозрачность: Непрозрачный
Метод ткачества: Нетканый материал
Инструкция по эксплуатации: Ручная стирка, не подвергать химической чистке
Идентификатор товара: 09223349
"Невидимые силиконовые накладки на соски с эффектом лифтинга" — это самоклеящиеся накладки, которые изготовлены из комбинации полиэстера и силикона. Эти беспроводные аксессуары для бюстгальтера можно стирать вручную, и они изготовлены из непрозрачной нетканой ткани, что делает их идеальными для женского нижнего белья.

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fa***15 I'm writing a review after using it several times: I used it as recommended and it still holds up well. The only thing: I recommend getting a size larger.
33***84 Excellent product
Xa***am It’s so sticky that one strap got stuck in it and when i tried to pull it off it kinda ripped as seen on the pictures but i guess it’s a good thing right?? also glad that it came with 2 straps cuz i was able to use the other one since
the other was drenched in adhesive lol i love it it sticks to ur tatas very well😂 must buy for the girlies out there
fa***15 I'm writing a review after using it several times: I used it as recommended and it still holds up well. The only thing: I recommend getting a size larger.
33***84 Excellent product
Xa***am It’s so sticky that one strap got stuck in it and when i tried to pull it off it kinda ripped as seen on the pictures but i guess it’s a good thing right?? also glad that it came with 2 straps cuz i was able to use the other one since
the other was drenched in adhesive lol i love it it sticks to ur tatas very well😂 must buy for the girlies out there
fa***15 I'm writing a review after using it several times: I used it as recommended and it still holds up well. The only thing: I recommend getting a size larger.
33***84 Excellent product
Xa***am It’s so sticky that one strap got stuck in it and when i tried to pull it off it kinda ripped as seen on the pictures but i guess it’s a good thing right?? also glad that it came with 2 straps cuz i was able to use the other one since
the other was drenched in adhesive lol i love it it sticks to ur tatas very well😂 must buy for the girlies out there