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- Пять ультраабсорбирующих микрофибровых чистящих полотенец, которые можно использовать повторно и которые идеально подходят для различных целей, включая кухню, окна и уход за автомобилем. Эти прочные и мягкие полотенца идеально подходят для удаления пыли.
Применимая сцена: Кухня
Материал: Микрофибра
Метод ткачества: трикотажная ткань
Идентификатор товара: 01382868
Параметры продукта: Название: Полотенце для чистки автомобиля Цвет: темно-серый и желтый Размер: 30x30 см (11,8 дюйма x 11,8 дюйма) Материал: полиэстер и нейлон/микрофибра

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il***62 Really great everyday helpers!! For the car, kitchen or bathroom. I reordered after the first use and wash! Clear purchase recommendation
Sintija Markeviča they ate big and very soft, will be great for cleaning
cr***ta This is the second time I have bought these cloths. Wonderful for both dry and wet cleaning. I recommend them
il***62 Really great everyday helpers!! For the car, kitchen or bathroom. I reordered after the first use and wash! Clear purchase recommendation
Sintija Markeviča they ate big and very soft, will be great for cleaning
cr***ta This is the second time I have bought these cloths. Wonderful for both dry and wet cleaning. I recommend them
il***62 Really great everyday helpers!! For the car, kitchen or bathroom. I reordered after the first use and wash! Clear purchase recommendation
Sintija Markeviča they ate big and very soft, will be great for cleaning
cr***ta This is the second time I have bought these cloths. Wonderful for both dry and wet cleaning. I recommend them