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- Five-pack of microfiber dish cloths that are ultra-soft and resistant to fading. They are super absorbent and quick-drying, and can be easily washed in the machine. Made from woven knit fabric, they are perfect for cleaning in the kitchen, patio, car
Применимая сцена: Кухня, Патио
Материал: Микрофибра
Метод ткачества: Тканый
Идентификатор товара: 73058366
Экстремально мягкая микрофибра, предназначенная для деликатной уборки. Высокая впитываемость для быстрого высыхания. Можно стирать в машине для простоты ухода. Подходит для многоразового использования на кухне, в ванной, в автомобиле и на окнах. Гибкие инструменты для уборки для различных задач. Поставляется в комплекте из пяти штук для дополнительного удобства и экономии.

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Je***23 This is my second time buying these little cloths they're super useful and just the perfect size if you want to wipe something down. Doesn't leave any fires behind.
sh***ni Bought a few packs of these cloths. Nice size,very soft,good for lot’s of jobs. Washing pots,polishing,cleaning windows and plenty more uses. Just good to have. , recommend , love them
gr***s1 very useful cloths, and dry very quickly when washed,I'm going to use for a burping cloth over my shoulder for grandchild ,just right size and as I've said dry very quickly 😀
Je***23 This is my second time buying these little cloths they're super useful and just the perfect size if you want to wipe something down. Doesn't leave any fires behind.
sh***ni Bought a few packs of these cloths. Nice size,very soft,good for lot’s of jobs. Washing pots,polishing,cleaning windows and plenty more uses. Just good to have. , recommend , love them
gr***s1 very useful cloths, and dry very quickly when washed,I'm going to use for a burping cloth over my shoulder for grandchild ,just right size and as I've said dry very quickly 😀
Je***23 This is my second time buying these little cloths they're super useful and just the perfect size if you want to wipe something down. Doesn't leave any fires behind.
sh***ni Bought a few packs of these cloths. Nice size,very soft,good for lot’s of jobs. Washing pots,polishing,cleaning windows and plenty more uses. Just good to have. , recommend , love them
gr***s1 very useful cloths, and dry very quickly when washed,I'm going to use for a burping cloth over my shoulder for grandchild ,just right size and as I've said dry very quickly 😀