Бесплатная доставка для всех заказов свыше 120,000 UZS.
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- Настенный держатель для сумок в форме яблока, идеально подходящий для хранения одноразовых крышек для еды и безопасной организации предметов на кухне и в ванной.
Рекомендуемое использование: Многофункциональное
Форма: Другие формы
Материал: Пластик
Тип закрытия: Другие типы закрытия
Функция: Другие функции
Уровень водостойкости: Водонепроницаемый
Стиль: Классический
Идентификатор товара: 18310703
Этот продукт представляет собой настенный держатель для сумок в форме яблока, предназначенный для хранения одноразовых крышек для еды. Он также служит органайзером для хранения кухонных и ванных принадлежностей. Держатель безопасен для контакта и может использоваться для хранения различных предметов, что делает его удобным решением для организации пространства в доме.
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Доставка и возврат
90***78 Convenient, but too small for 100 cellophane lids. Stays on the fridge perfectly.
A’liya This thing is needed so that the bags don't lie around in the hallway, it was glued to the window (we thought for a long time where to stick it so that the plastic bags were always at hand), it's also built quite well.
na***wi Honestly it is a beautiful tidy and classy thing
The parcel arrived safe, clean and airtight
Quality is legendary the pinnacle of creativity
The price happened without embarrassment for free
This is how you buy and you enjoy
I thank them for their good treatment
I liked their dealings and the speed of delivery
I prefer receiving from the delivery point better for those who have work or school busy
Suitable for every kitchen and every home
90***78 Convenient, but too small for 100 cellophane lids. Stays on the fridge perfectly.
A’liya This thing is needed so that the bags don't lie around in the hallway, it was glued to the window (we thought for a long time where to stick it so that the plastic bags were always at hand), it's also built quite well.
na***wi Honestly it is a beautiful tidy and classy thing
The parcel arrived safe, clean and airtight
Quality is legendary the pinnacle of creativity
The price happened without embarrassment for free
This is how you buy and you enjoy
I thank them for their good treatment
I liked their dealings and the speed of delivery
I prefer receiving from the delivery point better for those who have work or school busy
Suitable for every kitchen and every home
90***78 Convenient, but too small for 100 cellophane lids. Stays on the fridge perfectly.
A’liya This thing is needed so that the bags don't lie around in the hallway, it was glued to the window (we thought for a long time where to stick it so that the plastic bags were always at hand), it's also built quite well.
na***wi Honestly it is a beautiful tidy and classy thing
The parcel arrived safe, clean and airtight
Quality is legendary the pinnacle of creativity
The price happened without embarrassment for free
This is how you buy and you enjoy
I thank them for their good treatment
I liked their dealings and the speed of delivery
I prefer receiving from the delivery point better for those who have work or school busy
Suitable for every kitchen and every home